Lexie Smg4 Fan Artist Office AU Lore

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If you have Twitter, I Highly recommend checking out the Creator of the AU

@/Not_Caramella on Twitter (Their Wattpad Account is Caramella314)

As well as everyone involved in in the AU because they're all super cool and Talented!!!!

I know there are a Few on Wattpad, but I just don't know who all is

Missing out on Lore or don't have Twitter? That's Fine!

Cara has posted the Main Storyline of Lore on Webtoon still titled 'The SMG4-Fanartist Office' and you can get the Gist of this AU

Without Further Ado, My Lore contains Spoilers for the AU so if you haven't read it I highly recommended you do!

Anyways, Lets hop right into it!!


Lexie FA Office Pre-Lore/Side Lore

People Mentioned And/Or Involved:

Gary (The Boss@/SussyKitty666 (Mention)@/_Sp4ceBunnY_@/JustCamila64 (Mention)

AU by: @/Not_Caramella on Twitter (Their Wattpad Account is Caramella314)

Pre-Lore: (This is just for a Funny Bit I've been forming with Cosmo and Yofro So this is very extremely short lksdfjlskjf)

"So I see along with your Resume, You've provided an example of your work as well" Gary looks at Lexie and smiles "I've read through a bit of it over the course of your interview, and I have to say this is really good, It has a lot of potential"

"Thank you, I really appreciate hearing that!" Lexie giggles with a sheepish smile

Gary closes the book and sets it aside "And one final thing before I let you go and determine my decision...Is there anything I or your Fellow Co-Workers should take note of during your time here?"

Lexie hums in thought before saying "Angst." They put simply "Once I start writing that, It's all downhill from there!"

Gary nods "I see...Then we should keep you away from Ishir and his Angst Juice...You two would be great friends...In a Scary and rather concerning way...I do not see a future where you having a hold of Angst Juice would be a good one-"

"Alright then Lexie, I think that's all we have time for" Gary says as the two of them stand up, he holds his hand out and Lexie takes his hand and they shake "Keep and eye on your Phone and Email, and We'll let you know if and when you're joining us"

"Perfect! Thank you so much for the opportunity!" Lexie smiles


Side Lore:

Lexie was at their desk, writing, and suddenly flinched, Holding their head. It was common to get quick spurts of headaches due to the different species that worked in the office but these normally come and go...But this one seemed to linger

"Isn't there a rule against using Powers and Abilities Willy-Nilly?" Lexie groans standing up, they then mumble "I'll just go to the break room and get some water..."

Lexie leaves their cubicle and begins walking, their headache worsens as they pass the elevator then suddenly stops. This causes Lexie to stop in their tracks and look at the Elevator....They already knew where this sense was coming from

"Oh no...What's happening now?" They push the button of the elevator and step inside when the door opens.They Quickly pressed the 'FA' button, the doors closed and they went up. When the door opened, they stepped out and started looking around...There was no one around "Cosmo? Gary? Hello? Anyo-" They gasped feeling their foot slip and they backed up, they looked down to see a hole and...A...Castle? Lexie's eyes widened in realization...Wait, that was Smg4's Castle! "Hey!" They call out, jumping over the hole and quickly making their way through the office "Anyone up here!? That hasn't fallen down anyways..."

Lexie stopped at an intersection of hallways and looked around, their eyes landing on familiar Black Bunny Ears and Pink Hair, They smiled in relief "Cosmo!" They called out, running after them, avoiding any of the holes that were on the ground along the way "I was looking everywhere for Someone! Do you kno-" Before they turned the corner, they stopped in their tracks, their headache returning

Strange...Cosmo never evoked that kind of Power reaction from them before. No...This was much different than anyone in the office...This Power was darker...more evil?

They took a deep breath as they turned the corner. Their eyes widened at the sight, It was indeed Cosmo in that hall...But its eyes were green and the stars on their head, also green but melted. Behind her was someone they've never seen before, His eyes and part of his hair were also glowing green

"Cosmo...?" Lexie questions quietly

"Well, look at that. Isn't that your friend, Cosmo?" The guy laughs "Why don't you say hi to them?"

"Wh-Who-" Lexie shook their head "N-No, what are you? A-And what are you doing to Cosmo?"

"They want to protect their friends, Lexie..." He stepped in front of Cosmo

Lexie flinched, taking a step back. They brought their hand up, ready to prepare Magic if they needed to "A-And how do you know my name?"

"They can't protect who they care about all on their own" He explains, Ignoring the Wizard's Question "It couldn't protect its friends through anything it's been through these past couple of months. They couldn't protect you when the Fan Art Office went into Lock Down...And they couldn't protect Cami when she was turned into a Plushie, So I'm going to help them"

"Y-You don't know us...You're some sort of Manifestation of some sort of desire...You don't get to use our names"

"Relax Lexie..." Cosmo's voice spoke up, Peeking from behind the guy, Lexie's worried gaze following their voice. Their voice almost as if they were in a trance, when they smiled, their eyes turned more green than they already were. "Everything is okay, I promise!"

"Everything...Is *Perfectly* Fine..." Cosmo and the guy say in unison, both grinning at Lexie

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now