Crossover Oneshot 1: KT and CAHA

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Kingdoms Termination and Charms and Hexes Crossover Story

Part 1/???



Everyone was at the Castle today, all in the Gaming Room playing games or watching others play games. It was peaceful aside from the occasional yelling and general teasing. Soon, Mario stood up, handing his controller to Melony

"Mario's got to Piss" Mario starts walking to the door

"That line never ended well for the Guardians, Avatar, or his Brother" 3 mumbles before gasping "BOOPKINS! BACK OFF! STOP!" He shouts, mashing the buttons, trying to knock Boopkins' character off his in the game "STOP IT!"

Boopkins laughs

"And why is that?" Aria tilts her head

"Don't ask!" 4 replies quickly "Aria! Watch your Six!"

"My six?"


The shouts were muffled when Mario left the room and shut the door behind him, walking across the hall to the bathroom. He stopped in the middle of the hall when he heard a woosh above him, he looked up to see a portal open and a flash of red landed on the ground in front of him.

A Ugandan Knuckles in a Black Top Hat  had fallen through, it clicked it's tongue as it looked around confused

"Ugh, did Smg3 really bring his Dead Memes with him?" Mario poked it's cheek causing a small growl to escape it, He let out a scream when it started to attack him

"AH!? TERRENCE STOP THAT!" A voice called out, tugging against the Ugandan Knuckles "BAD TERRENCE! LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

When the Ugandan Knuckles was removed away from Mario's face, he could see the two very familiar faces

"Did he just try to hurt Mario?" Neg3 questions, standing next to Neg4

Neg4, who was holding Terrence in his arms, nodded "He did hurt Mario!" He huffs

"GLITCHY!" Mario went over and pulled Neg4 into a hug

Terrence hopped out of his arms and started clicking his tongue aggressively scaring Mario to pull away

"Terrence! Enough!" Neg3 picked him up "You remember Mario, don't you bud?" He pets Terrence calming him down and he relaxed in Neg3's arms "There we go..."

"Mario, you okay man?" Smg4 came out from the Gaming room "We heard you-" A smile appeared on his face seeing Neg3 and Neg4 "Negs! Hey!"

Neg4 gave a closed eyed smile and wave, Neg3 Smiled "Hey 4! Good to see you"

Neg4 looked around with a Giggle "I see you finally got your Castle together, I'm glad!"

"Went though a lot to get here though..." 4 smiles sheepishly "Lots of... Questioning Reality..."

"I'm very happy I wasn't involved in that in actual Canon" Aria hums, stepping out from the gaming room

"Who knows? In Lex Canon you Might've" 4 shrugs

Aria giggles before looking at Neg4 and Neg3 and flinching, her smile fading "4...but-" She points from Neg4 to Smg4 "You're there, and 3-" She points from Neg3 to the gaming room "3 is in there..." She brought her hands down, tilting her head at the Neg Duo "And everyone is in the other room...What kind of Spell is this?"

"I'm sorry, Spell?" Neg4 tilts their head too "I'm...not Following..."

"Oh, That's right, You three never met" Smg4 chuckles, gesturing to the Neg Duo "These are Neg3 and Neg4, They're me and Smg3 from another World...Of sorts...Where Mario-"

Aria gasps, Her eyes sparkling "GLIMMERING GALAXIES, REAL LIFE MULTIVERSE DOPPLEGANAGERS!" She stood in front of Neg3, a big smile on her face, causing him to flinch and Terrence to growl at her "THIS IS EXTRODINARY! NO SPELL COULD EVER PULL THIS OFF SO FLAWLESSLY! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!" 

"She almost has the same energy as Boopkins..." Neg3 chuckles at her energy "It's Sweet..."

"Yep, that's Aria, She's our friend" Smg4 chuckles "And...3 and Her have considered themselves as Siblings"

Neg4 smiles at Neg3 "Hey! That would make you guys Siblings too! Wouldn't it?"

"I..." Neg3 went quiet, he wasn't sure about that 

"You're 3 right? So it should make it that way if you want!" Aria giggles, Coda climbs out from her pocket and climbed onto her shoulder and tilting his head  "Oh right!" She gently picking him up and holding him out "This is Coda! He's my Pet mouse! Say Hello Coda!"

Coda squeaks, waving his paw

"Aww!!! Look at him!" Neg4 smiles, bringing his hands to his face "Look at his little beanie and cape!" He cupped his hands and held them out "Can I hold him, please?" He asks excitedly

Aria nods "Of course!" She places Coda in his hands

Coda sniffed him before climbing up his arm to his shoulder and nuzzling against his cheek "Aww, He's a cutie!" He brings his hand up to Coda and pets him gently "I wish I had a pet, He's so sweet!"

"You literally have Terrence with me" Neg3 reminds him 

Mario looks at 4 "Does he not have Beeg4?"

"You gotta Remember, I didn't get B4 until waaaay after my 10 year Anniversary, Closer to when I started working on my 'Perfect' Video, Neg never made it passed the day of his 10 Year Anniversary, so it's likely he never found himself a B4 before all the Memes of his Universe went away" He smiles at the Neg Duo and Aria who were all talking to each other, Terrence still giving Aria an untrusting look He gasped before going over to Neg4, taking his hand "Neg! I actually have something to show you!"

"O-Oh? Okay!" Neg4 picks up Coda and hands him back to Aria and following 4 to his room 

Smg3 came out of the gaming room around that same time with Eggdog by his feet "Oi, Aria, What's going-" 

"Hey 3!" Neg3 says with a smile, Terrence jumping out of his arms and going to Smg3

"TERRENCE!" 3 kneels down pulling Terrence into a hug with a smile

"Oh...Yeah, that makes sense" Neg3's smile faded and he looked down, dejected

Aria smiled sheepishly, patting Neg3 on the back 

Eggdog barked at Terrence with a smile, Terrence smiled back at him

Smg3 chuckles, standing up with Terrence in his arms "You know I'm happy to see you man" He assures Neg3, he then held Terrence out in front of him "But you know the emotional connection we both have with him, I couldn't bear to look over him to say hello to you, Isn't that right Terrence?" He smiles, turning Terrence to look at him "Yes, Yes that's Right! Yes, you're such a good boy!"

"He attacked Mario" Neg3 tells him

"WHAT!?" Aria questions

Smg3's smile fades as he stared at Aria, Mario, and Neg3 before looking back at Terrence and his smile returning "You're Kinda a good boy! Yes! Yes you are! Kinda a good boy!"

Eggdog growled, looking up at Terrence, Poor thing was jealous.

"He's supposed to be my pet..." Neg3 mumbles "Fine" He takes Aria's hand "He takes my Pet, I take his Sister"

"I'm sorry, what?" Aria questions quickly

He starts walking with her to the Gaming room "You guys were gaming right? Let's go back and Join them" They both go through the door and it shuts behind them 

Mario smiles with a shrug "I see this as a fair trade off!"

"Ahhh! I love him so much!" Neg4 giggles, Bringing Beeg4 who was in his hands to his face, nuzzling against him "He's so cuuuute!" 

Smg4 smiles at him "I just knew you'd love him, I think he likes you too, he doesn't let just anyone hold him...Especially not After Mario threw him in our Nintendo Memes Reaction" His smile faded, looking at 3 and Mario still in the Main hall "Where are Neg3 and Aria?"

3 snapped out of his little bit with Terrence and looked around quickly "Aria!?"

"Neg3 and Aria went into the Gaming room" Mario points to the room


"What's it matter?" Neg4 questions "You know you cant trust my 3, He's her brother too...theoretically"

"He is not her brother!" 3 says defensively "He knows nothing of her! I'm the only one who understands her!" 

"3, relax man" Smg4 tells him "It's not like you're actually related anyways"

"N-No...B-But that's besides the point! I want to lead her down an opposite path than what I took, I want to be there for her where nobody else was for me!"

"Well you aren't doing a very good job" Mario put simply

4 narrows his eyes at Mario "Don't you have to Piss, Mario?"

Mario's eyes widened as he pushed between the two 4s to head for the bathroom "OUT OF MARIO'S WAAAAY!"

"He didn't mean that" Neg4 assures him

"B-But is he right?" 3 questions

"No...3, Aria looks very happy...But I sense you said or did something to my 3 to upset him, You care about his feelings don't you?"

"O-Of course!"

"You're allowed to care about more than one person...I want 3 to understand that because he never became friends with My friends like you became friends with 4's friends...And whatever you said or did might make him believe that You can't care about more than one person and it will definitely hinder his relationships"

Smg3 looked down at Terrence with a frown "He can't lose you or Terrence...You're both far to important to him"

"Then show him, He'll likely listen to you about this, I'm sure of it!" Neg4 smiles at him

Smg3 set Terrence next to Eggdog causing Eggdog to growl at Terrence. Smg3 walked over to Neg4 and pulled him into a hug causing Neg4 to flinch in surprise "You're right, you've always been have been...I'm going to try and make things right I promise"

Neg4 smiled, wrapping his free arm around 3 "Don't make my boyfriend break up with me, I will be very upset!"

3 pulled away from the hug and nodded "I promise, He won't even have the chance!" He turns to face the gaming room "Eggdog and Terrence lets go" He opens the door to the gaming room  and the three of them walked inside

Smg4 looked at Neg4 "You really think he can do it?"

Neg4 smiles "If anyone can convince My 3 of anything, it would be himself" He turns B4 to face him "Isn't that right Beeg? Both 3s are so silly!"

Smg4 chuckles "Well don't go and take my pet now!"

"Too late! He's mine now!"

Mario came out the bathroom and slipped B4 from him "HE'S MARIO'S NOW!!!" He laughs and that's when B4 jumped onto Mario's face and started attacking him, causing him to scream


Smg4 smiled sheepishly "I told you he doesn't let just anybody hold him..."

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now