OC Introduction Chapter: C.H.1.P (Chip)

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(Takes place Post Youtube Arc and Pre-Genasis Arc)

For Info on Chip, Check the First section for the Book 'The Glitch and Viruses Arc'!!!


Part 1/?


It's been some time since Smg4 reclaimed his channel and Smg3 had been sent away to the Internet Graveyard. Now, 4 was back on track with creating videos. But with his cast ever growing, he's been finding it difficult to keep up with everything and it was stressing him out. Maybe he needed an assistant? Or maybe a Manager?  That would be smart, but an Assistant just wasn't going to walk through his door!

"Smg4!" Tari peeked her head through the cracked open door "S-Sorry, am I interrupting something?"

"No actually, you might be just the person I need!" He walks over to her as she fully walks in and shuts the door behind her "Would you like to be my assistant?"

"What?" Tari tilted her head confused

"You know a lot about Technology and stuff! And I really need help Managing everything now that the Cast is bigger, so you're the perfect candidate!"

"O-Oh...Um..." Tari glanced off to the side "I-I appreciate that you think I'm perfect for the Role...B-But that's nowhere near up my alley..."

"Come on Tari! Please? I need you!"

"Sorry 4, I'm happy to help out with your Videos as a friend, But I know nothing about it other than being filmed on the opposite side..." She hums in thought "Why not download a Digital Assistant?"

"How will that help me? It's Digital"

"Professor E Gadd has been working on something to where it isn't just confined to your computer, You'll be able to transfer it between your technology for whatever you need!"

"Does Egadd still have his Shop in the Mall?"

"I'm sure he should.."

"Perfect! You're with me then!" 4 grins

Tari gasps with a smile "Yes! Blue Gaming Duo Adventure!" She giggles

"Blue Gaming...Duo?" 4 tilts his head

"I-It's something I saw on Twitter!" She smiles sheepishly, pointing to the door "L-Let's just go!"

They leave the castle and make there way to the Mall, looking around

"Now, Where was his shop? 4 questions "I remember Running past it to get the New Smash Game..."

Tari looks around before pointing "Smg4! Over there! "

4 turns his attention to Egadd's Robot shop 

They both smile and head into the shop

"Thank you! Come again!" Egadd calls out as A goomba walked out of the shop with a box on it's head

"Ah, Smg4 and Tari, Hello again" Egadd says "Interested in more of my wares, Tari?"

"Yes! But this time it's for Smg4!" She explains 

"I have plenty of Gizmo's to help out someone like Smg4, My dear! What exactly are you looking for?"

"Tari said you were working on a Digital Assistant, I was hoping for something like that" Smg4 tells him

"Of course!" Egadd starts digging under the cashier counter and pulled out a Yellow Flashdrive "There you go Smg4, Your very own Personal Digital Assistant is Inside this USB"

"Ooooh" 4 looks at it in amazement

"Thank you so much!" Tari looks at Egadd with a smile "How much do we owe you?"

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