Request 1 Part 4

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'What if Zero's usb took Smg4 instead of Axol during the second half of the genesis arc?'

Requested by 


Part 4 of ???


The Duo followed 1 and 2 out to some...Space looking area, It was chock full of Memes

"Woah...Trippy..." Mario says quietly 

"This is it! There's the exit!" Smg2 smiles

3 and Mario look ahead of them, on the other side of the Spatial Void to a Porta;...but there was no way to get to it

"Unfortunately with only One Guardian, this will prove most challenging, especially since you'll be new to accessing your Powers" 1 looks at 3  "You think you can handle it?"

3 looks at Mario, who still had a look of worry and fear on his face and didn't even try to hide it. 3 looks back at 1 "Sure, Whatever, I just want to find the source that's making 4 go, as Mario says 'CooCoo Crazy'"

Mario let out a small laugh, when 3 said that he attempted Mario's accent...3's plan worked, Now Mario was smiling.

"Alright, all you gotta do is hold your Left arm out, Right arm up, and remember to Focus and Concentrate real hard" 1 tells him 

Hesitant, 3 nods "R-Right..." 3 held his left arm out and right arm up, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before concentrating "Alright...Come on Big Brain..."

It did take some time, maybe because 3 was alone, but the Memes started to glow and turn into energy. The energy started to turn into a bridge

3 opened his eyes and gasped in amazement, He didn't think he was capable of that. He looked at Mario and Mario nodded, determined, he nodded right back at him. They both started to head across the bridge, 3 kept his right hand up keeping the Meme energy creating the bridge. They both talked over each other about how cool and stuff this was. They soon made it to the end and ran through the portal.

When they woke up they were in some sort of pods...Looking around confused

"Yes! Welcome back! You guys made it!" 2 smiled brightly as the two walked out of the pods  

"Thank goodness! No more Nightmares!" 3 crosses his arms "I've already had enough of this"

"Yeah...Maybe for you..." Mario was looking down, rubbing his arm

3 sighs "We'll figure out what's happening to him, I promised you that already, and I'm not going back on it"

Mario stayed quiet...It worried and surprised 3

3 looks at 1 and 2 "Okay, so mind telling us what the hell that was?"

"You guys were trapped in Zero's Mind Torching Simulation, but you're free now!" Smg1 tells him 

The three give each other confused looks when the heard a series of loud bangs. They turn to see Mario at locked door banging on it


"Crap that's right!" 3 realized "We're still trapped in here!"

"There is one way out of here...But it's going to be dangerous" 1 says, approaching the keyboard in the center of the room "And we'll need your help, 3"

"What do you need me to do?" 3 wasted no time to ask how to help

2 sighs "We're going to release this USB's reactor core"

3 turned his attention to the big machine in the center of the room "Wow, was that always there?"

"When it's open, the meme power source that runs this very Guardian Pod will begin pouring out" 1 explains

2 nods "And we'll have to convert them into energy in order to escape"

3 nods, a determined look on his face "Alright, let's do it!" 

3, 1 and 2 stood on either side of the machine; 1 and 2 next to each other, and 3 across from them, Mario stood in front of the door, looking at them

"Three...Two...One..." 1 did a countdown before pushing the red button on the side of the machine, releasing the memes

"W-Woah!" 3 gasped, surprised of all the memes contained in the seemingly smaller looking machine

"Now" 1 took 2's hand "Arms out, and start Transmuting them!"

3 nods, holding his arms up and out again, closing his eyes, turning them into energy

"Good! Now channel it into your Avatar!" 1 looks over at Mario

"Me!? Why me!?" Mario questions

3 nods and does just that, the energy entering inside Mario and he started to grow...and grow...and grow

1 smiles "It's working!"

3 began to groan, but still kept up the energy. Surely, this would've been easier with his and 4's shared all alone it was definitely taking a lot out of him.

Growing...and Growing...and growing...and growing

"More!" 2 smiled brightly "Keep Going!"

"Uh...2?" 1 starts

3 nodded again, Not letting up on his power but it was still taking it's toll on him

Growing...and growing...and growing...and growing...and growing...and growing


"2...!" 1's voice became more urgent

Now it was starting too hit 3 just how much energy it was taking him


"TWO!" 1 shouts

2's smile fades as they look at 1 "What? What is it?"

The toll finally hit 3...The great amount of energy caused him to faint but it didn't stop the Meme Energy from going into Mario

Mario was smiling through the process but then it became worry and slight fear as he just wouldn't stop growing

"Crap! The channeling is unbalanced!" 1 realized 

"Mario doesn't feel too good..." Mario finally spoke up, He scared to scream as the memes entering him faster and faster soon ending up causing an explosion

The Pod spat the four out and they all landed on the ground, face first

3 slowly brought himself to his knees, holding his head "Ugh...What happened?"

"I was...too optimistic" 1 sighs "You still need more Training..."

3 moved his hand and looked around in a panic "Wh-Where's Mario!?"

2 looks up towards the castle "Uh...Guys?"

3 and 1 look up to follow 2's gaze up the castle, Mario was floating in front of the Peach Murel...Unmoving, a Figure stood at the peak of the front roof. All the Guardian Pods were present, surrounding Mario. The Figure slowly turned around and was reveled to be Smg4...No...Smg0 in Smg4's Body

"M-Mario..." 3 says in fear before looking up at '4' "4..."

(End of Mario is Okay', Beginning of 'The Final Piece')

"Oh...You're all still here..." Zero spoke finally 

"Mario! We'll get you out!" 3 calls out 

"I know that's you Zero!" 1 pointed up now "Release Meme Guardian 4! He's not Connected in any way to what happened to you!"

Zero ignored him "Finally, after all these years..." He held his arms out and started glowing red. The Gurdian Pods did as well "I HAVE AN AVATAR OF MY OWN AGAIN!"

The pods quickly point towards Mario and fire at him

"N-NO!" 3 reaches out "MARIO!"

2 shakes their head "If this keeps up, Mario's going to die!"

3 brought his arm down and quickly looked at 2 "N-No..." He spoke quietly, looking up at Mario and '4' again "He can't..."

1 grabs 2 and throws them up, before they could even reach Mario, a Crystal surrounded him and it knocked 2 

"Mario...No..." 3 felt so helpless....He wanted to do something...If Mario died and 4 was aware...It'd just kill 4 to know he was responsible and had to continue to live with that forever...3 on the other hand, never showed it but he really did care about Mario...besides Melony, Mario was one of the first people who ever decided to show him kindness after everything he's done...

Cracks formed around Mario's face as Zero spoke again "With him...I can make everything just like it used to be..." He heard something and saw something out of the corner of his eye "Huh?"

A missile was shot at him, Knocking Zero away and causing Mario to fell.

Above them all was a Helicopter, A Military one, and 3 only knew to people who'd come here who had access to that


"Guys!" 3 says in relief

"Quick! Get Mario and Hide!" 2 looks at 3

3 nods he goes to pick up Mario and goes inside. Everyone climbs out of the helicopter and stands beside 1 and 2 

"4..." Meggy says in worry

"Need a little help?" Saiko asks with a grin

"Yes, I think that would be very much appreciated!" 1 nods

2 looks at Luigi "Luigi, 3's in the castle trying to hide Mario, Would you mind helping him out"

Luigi was hesitant but quickly nodded "S-Sure...O-Okay..." Luigi quickly headed inside the castle

Smg4: 'What If?'- Lexie's VersionWhere stories live. Discover now