Family Parallels, History Rewritten: Dante and Avery's Story

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CAHA Lore Oneshot

I hit a follower Goal on Twitter.

I determined if I hit it before I finish the next Chapter of Charms, I'd push out a silly Secret Lore Chapter that may or may not be important to the next Chapter (Or the Next few chapters) Of Charms 

Since we hit that goal, here is your lore!!! :3


"Grandma Delina, Where are we going...?" A young Dante was holding Delina's hand as the two walked down the halls of the Castle

Delina giggled "I know you've been a little lonely...So, Mrs. Dalia has a very special friend for you!"

Dante smiles, his eyes sparkling "A friend? For me?"

Delina nods "Of course, He's just a little bit older than you, but I'm sure you two will get along great" She knocks on a door to Adalia and Darby's Study

"Come in!" A female voice calls out

Delina opens the door. A lady was up on the upper floor of bookshelves, while A man sat at one of the two desks with a young boy sitting on his lap

"Ah Your Highness" The man stood up, holding the young boy in his arms "It's a please to see you" He looks down at Dante with a smile "And His Young Highness, Prince Dante as well"

The lady came downstairs with a few books in her arms "We couldn't tell you how excited dear Avery was to find out he'd be friends with dear Prince Dante"

Delina giggles as Dante hid behind her legs shyly "Dante was excited too, But I guess the Poor Boy's shyness is getting the better of him again"

"Not to worry..." Darby set the Boy down "Avery is great at breaking people out of their shells"

The boy walked over to Dante and held his hand out to him with a Smile "My Name is Avery, Your Highness..."/He held his hand out to Aria with a smile "M-My name is Alastair..."

Dante, who was hiding behind Delina, peeked out. He reached out and took Avery's hand, a small smile appearing on his face, Avery pulling him away from Delina "D-Dante..."/Aria, who was hiding behind Cullen, peeked out. She reached out for Alastair's hand with a small smile as Alastair pulled her away from Cullen "I-I'm A-Aria..."

"D-Do you....w-want to go play i-in the courtyard?" Dante asks, still smiling

Avery laughs, gently pulling Dante along "Of course! Let's go!"

Dante laughs, pushing up his glasses which were falling

Adalia sighs "Do you think they'll be okay? Dante is still a bit finicky with his Magic...A-And Avery might not be the best Mentor..."

Delina laughs again "It's not all about Magic, sometimes Stronger Magic comes from our Stronger Relationships. So the Stronger Danny and Avery's friendship become, the Stronger the two of them become"


"Haha! Can't catch me!" Dante giggles, hopping from rock to rock over a River

"Careful, my Prince" Avery Chuckled softly, hopping on the rocks after him "I promised their highnesses you wouldn't get hurt"

"Why are you so formal with me?" Dante sat down on a rock and tilted his head "We're friends, aren't we? Call me Danny!"

Avery stops and stands on the rock in front of him "Well, my Parents are your Royal Sorcerers and I'm their Apprentice, It's only right that I address you by your title..." He smiles a bit "But since you've granted me permission, I shall address you as Danny!"

Dante giggled with a smile "Yay!"


"You're s-so positive about the M-Magicant's..." Dante spoke softly as he and Avery sat down at the fountain in the middle of the Kingdom

Avery Chuckles "I just don't see War and Fighting and Hate getting us anywhere in our futures..."

"I-I never thought about it like that..." Dante looks down

"Mom always said..." Avery looks up, closing his eyes "'Magic or Not, everyone is the same, we just need to learn to be peaceful...' A-And I want to live by that...I want to befriend a Magicant!"

"SHHHHH!!!" Dante looked up at Avery, shaking his head and waving his hands "Y-You can't say something like that out loud!"

Avery smiles sheepishly "Sorry, but you want it too, don't you?"

Dante looked down, thinking

"When Delina Steps Down as Queen, and Your Mother Steps Down as Queen...You'll be heir to the throne" Avery laughs "You can do whatever you want!"

"B-But th-that won't make the people happy...Avery"/"E-Everyone would just hate me more! I-It won't make anyone happy, Ala!"

Avery frowns, looking at Dante seriously, taking Dante's Hands "But will it make you happy?"/Alastair gently took Aria's hands "But will it make you happy, Ari?"

Dante stayed quiet...Would it make him happy?


Dante gently tugged on Avery's Mother's sleeve in her and her Husband's study "Mrs. Dalia? Where is Avery? He hasn't come by in a while or even said Hi..."

"Oh my dear" Adalia knelt down to Dante's height and gently took his hand "Dante, we don't know..."

"Wh-What? I-Is he in his bedroom or something?" He tilted his head

"How to explain this to you, your Highness..." Darby sighs, he was hesitant before saying "We have not been able to find him in days...We think he might've crossed over to the overworld..."

"Th-The overworld?" Dante questions "B-But Mama says that place is full of Magicant's!"

"Not where the Nexus Gate drops us off" Adalia smiles gently at him "It drops us off in Meadowbreak, which is a kingdom chock full of Peaceful Magicans...We know he's in good hands up there and the moment The Great Delina and King Julian grant us permission for time off, we're going to search...."

Dante started to tear up...

Adalia frowns, gently bringing her free hand to Dante's Cheek "Dear, what's wrong?"

"He promised to be with me Forever and ever! Wh-Why did he l-lie to me...?"


Alastair stormed into the Cafe and started making his way upstairs to where him and his mom lived

"Ala, what's wrong dear?" Isabella asked softly, seeing her son walk in with a rather upset expression "Alastair, Talk to me right now..."

Alastair set his bag down by at the bottom of the stairs as he walked up, he stopped waling up the stairs and turned to his Mom, starting to tear up "Aria promised me we'd be friends forever...Wh-Why did she lie to me...?"

"Wh-Why did she leave me!?"/"Wh-Why did he leave me!?"


"...You know Aria/Dante? The Scariest thing about time, is how very easily it can be rewritten...."

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