Smg4 OC Origins: Chip/Ch1p

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Takes place post 'War on Smash Bros Ultimate'

Part 1 of ???


"Darn Kids...Not letting me Complete my Project!" Egadd pinched the bridge of his nose under his glasses, he mumbled as he walked into his shop "Stealing my Darn Robot over some Video Game"

"Uhm...Professor?" Shroomy starts

"Not to worry son, I'll revert you back momentarily!"

"Th-That's...Not what I wanted to ask..." Shroomy smiles sheepishly "While I would like for that, I was curious, What were you working on when my Friends and I came through?"

"The future of Technology, My boy!" Egadd walks back to the counter and pulled out an already open laptop

Shroomy giggles "I like to think all Technology is the Future of Technology"

"I love that Mindset son, come over here and I'll show you" 

Shroomy walks over and stands over Egadd, bending down to see better (He's still in the suit from the end of 'War on Smash Brothers Ultimate')

Egadd moves the mouse and a Camera moves around what looked like a boy. He looked like Mario and Smg4 but Had a Black Hair, Heart Antenna, Yellow Sweater with Light red Ribbon/Tie, and Black Pants. He was standing with his arms out, head down, and eyes shut.

"Wow! He looks like Smg4 and Mario!" Shroomy says in awe

"Unsure why it came up that way...It wasn't meant to look like this" Egadd hums "When it's code was complete it reset to 13118915 , which roughly translates to 'Mario'...And I can't change it no matter what"

"I'm sure you can change it eventually!"

"For now, I'm just going to name it...What? I do not know?"

"What's his name in the code? Or more so, What was it's name supposed to be Numerically in the code?" Shroomy asks

"38916? Why?" Egadd tilts his head

"And that Translates roughly to Chip! Why not Chip for his name?"

"It is...A rather basic name..." Egadd sighs but smiles sheepishly "But I suppose coding doesn't lie...Chip it is...Now let's get it online..."

He pushes a button and Chip's eyes opened, It blinked a few times before lowering its arms, lifting it's head up and looking around it's digital space

"Aw, Howdy there Chip! It's nice to meet you!" Shroomy smiles

"Ch-Chip..." Chip repeated, tilting his head

Egadd nods "That's correct, That is your name. Although you may be reading it as 38916"

"38916...Does in fact translate to Chip" Chip nods "Very Creative"

Egadd Laughs "Thank you my friend, it wasn't quite that hard at all! Was it Shroomy?"

Shroomy shook his head with a smile "No, It was really easy"

"Shroomy..1981815151325 ." Chip looks at Shroomy, His eyes turn fully blue before returning to their normal yellow color "Name...Registered"

Shroomy gasped, his smile growing wider "Golly, He sure learns mighty quick!"

"That is the plan with 38916! For it to be the most Optimal and Useful assistant their is!" Egadd looks at Chip "Hear that? You must be Optimal, Useful, And Do not think for yourself, and you will be absolutely perfect!"

Shroomy frowned "I-I don't think it's right to...-"

"Optimal, Useful...No thinking for myself" Chip repeats

"Th-This isn't right!" Shroomy looked at Egadd "He shouldn't just-"

"38916 is a Sentient Form of Technology, If it begins to think for itself, Bad things can happen" Egadd explains

"But he's the first Sentient AI of his time!" Shroomy chimes "If he has the ability to freely think, he should use it! He could be extraordinary!"

Egadd shook his head "Unfortunately son, that is not the vision I have for it and others like it. It needs to be as perfect as I can get it, then I make a new version up to that scale of perfection and  make that one even better"

"Then...What happens to Chip...?" Shroomy asks nervously

"Now!" Egadd claps his hands together once "Before we continue Syncing and Tweaking 38916, You said you would like that Robot Body off, Correct? Let's get that off you!" He walks away towards a tool chest and starts to dig through it

"It sounds like my Creator has big plans for me and my design" Chip says with a hum "I wonder how far he will take it..."

Shroomy looked at Chip Nervously...Would it be Chip Himself to get upgraded? Or would Egadd

"Shroomy my boy, come on now!" Egadd calls him over with a smile "Let us get that suit off!"

"R-Right!" Shroomy spoke quickly, going over to Egadd. After a bit, Egadd got the Suit off Shroomy smiles, holding out his hand and opening and closing it to get a feel for his normal body. His smile fades as Egadd starts walking back to his laptop "You never told me what would happen to Chip..."

"In a sense, I did my boy" Egadd corrects "If Chip can keep developing and evolving? Great, Extraordinary, It sticks around. If not, I take it's development and put it into something new. That is...If someone would like to take 38916 out for some Testing, Then of course, that could be prolonged until the buyer no longer finds use in it"

Shroomy gasps "Wh-When will Chip be ready to be given away!?" He asked quickly

"I'm unsure..." Egadd turned to Shroomy "Why? Did you have someone in mind?"

"Me!" Shroomy smiled brightly

"My apologies, my boy....But didn't you say you're often too busy outside with your Scouts or what have you to deal with technology? What could you possibly use 38916 for?"

Shroomy's smile faded into a look of thinking "Oh yeah, That's right...B-But I'm sure I can find someone! M-Maybe Tari?"

"Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Would you like to help me sync up 38916 and start some Calibrations?"

"S-Sure..." Shroomy walked over and sat with Egadd.

They synced Chip to the internet and they started asking him some basic questions to ensure everything he said matched up to what the answers actually were on the internet. They tested him with speech patterns, tone. Because he was such a neutral bot, Shroomy suggested they make Chip's little Antenna move as well as give him little emotion reaction marks (Like in Animal Crossing). Egadd declined those opinions, but Shroomy kept insisting until he finally gave in and imputed that into Chip's coding. 

Time passed and the two got pretty far in basic testing for Chip, and it was already getting late.

"You're more than welcome to go home, my boy, I can finish with 38916 for tonight" Egadd tells him

"Oh no, I wanna do what I can to help!" Shroomy smiles "I also want to get to know Chip better!"

"Shroomy, 38916 is an Assisting Bot, it's not going to be able to hold a normal conversation if it isn't about work"

"Oh...I was looking forward to being his friend..."

"Unfortunately I don't think that'd be possible, my Mushroom friend" Egadd pats his hand "But if you do feel that way, you are more than welcome to come back and visit anytime to see it"

Shroomy gasps, pulling Egadd into a tight hug "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! OH I WOULD LOVE THAT SO MUCH!"

Egadd chuckles, adjusting his glasses when Shroomy set him down "I knew that'd make you happy..."

"I'll be back tomorrow Egadd!" Shroomy waves, leaving the shop "See you then!"

Egadd waves as well "Take care son!" He sighs "I'll keep his feature ideas... "He walks back to his laptop "But maybe there's something I can do to cancel them out just a tiny bit"

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