Chapter 22 behind the eyes

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The morning sun has crept in, I hate the bloody sun when it gets in my eyes like that! moans John as he turns over, your not in a good mood this morning are you John? Asks Rhydian.
It's been hard to sleep, this whole situation is strange, and it's been hard to rest. It's funny, how odd this situation is, how it was so easily stumbled into.

After breakfast David gives us a forced RE talk,
During it, he asks us all what we think about religion Rose just glares at him and the rest of us say that it's here nor there for us, but Marcy adds that it facilitates her deeply, human culture is so strange to her, and religion is part of the long and complex package of humanity. David Grins, you speak of man, and god, as if he is not for your kind as well, he came before you on the scale of things, that's debatable, said Marcy sipping some blood that was sat in a see though glass on the table. Are you suggesting that Vampires came first? No, she responds, but at the same time, yes, we are ancient, and there is no real backstory for our kind that has truly been confirmed, said Marcy, you have studied this well, you are... bright for a girl your age, Marcy smiles with delight, thank you 😊, but, human blood is in reality a vampires food, you can live off animal blood for only a small about of time before you break, you would have to consume it at some point, so there for humans are your prey, you have leached off them since the beginning, so... what came first? The chicken or the egg? Asks David, Marcy leans back, her brains spark has been lit, it's clever your point, but we were talking about god were we not? And where he came in to this?

David sips his tea, God is timeless, end of story, what? I ask, just like that you have ended your debate? I ask, There is no point my dear boy, when it comes to god god is timeless, he came before and after all, but what is your explanation for those that have a different opinion? Asks Marcy, what is it for those that have been forced to live a horrible life of losing control and killing? Of changing into terrifying monsters and killing person? Of having to live an isolated childhood? And push people away because you don't want to be the cause of there fate? And those that die of cancer? Jake looked down at the floor, I can tell this one hit him, those that are poverty stricken, living in LEDCs? What about all the pain, if there is a god that came first and made, or allowed all of that, what kind of god is he? Asks Marcy, David leans back, man kind is complicated, the answers to these questions you ask are complicated, god works in mysterious ways, and that is all I have to say.
I can tell, he didn't like that question.

After our forced RE talk we each wonder off, the doors and our memories still seam to be effected by this place, Jake and I went down the hall not far from our dorm, we wound up getting lost, (as usual) why do you think that Moira did this too me? I dunno man your He who hath been healed or what ever, that's true but what could that have to do with me becoming a vampire? Well maybe she just wants to have you as her own forever 😂 I joke but with meaning, she seams to have some sort of thing for you, that's weird, I mean the age gap, he adds, it doesn't matter as much in vampiric culture, not when it comes to a 16 year old and someone like Moira anyway, I explain.

We then come across a room, a small creepy little room, the door was just about open, we looked at each other, go on then, do you think he keeps the crucifixion supplies in there? Asks Jake Jokingly with his usual smirk, shut up, I joke as we carefully slip in, there were records and cardboard boxes, tons of bibles and dust everywhere.

There was a rug in the middle of the room, and although it all felt wrong we looked through the boxes, maybe we could work this place out by looking though these, says Jake, hopefully, I add.

We came across holy water, potion ingredients, and loads of records, each of them old, we play one or two of them in an old 1930s record player, there wasn't much to the classical pieces other then Mozarts greatest work. The rug has a trap door underneath, weird, it's locked so we can't get down there, even if we wanted too. There is a vent facing us, it's dusty and old, way out of here? Grins Jake playfully, no way that would work, or would it? I ask myself, oh don't be so stupid Yones, that's not gunna work, not in a million years, says Jake, yeah your right, I look over at the holy water Jars, shall we nick one? Asks Jake, why? Too show John, if we grab one of each of those Jars we might be able to work out what kind of stuffs going on here, you have a point, I add, there's no way we won't get caught though, the holy waters the smallest jar, I say, easiest to hide, he puts one in his pocket, doesn't holy water burn a vampires skin? He asks, no only in movies and books, if I'm honestly that's deeply disappointing, I know, I say.

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