Chapter 6 Mondays

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hate Mondays, all of my early classes are on Monday, I would be walking to school with Jake but he is at the hospital, his first chemo session is today, I hope it goes well, I walk across the road down the path until I get to school, just your average day so far, I hope it stays that way,

As I walk up to the gates I see a strange looking man walk across the road, he looks at me and I look at him, he then gets into his car, he is tall, with curly ish brown hair, and cold blue eyes, there is something odd about this guy, I find Marcy as I walk, as usual Amy is with her, hello you, she smiles, we kissed and walk into the six form block, we had some time before are first lessons, so we hang around for a bit,

Amy mentions the new member of the forksgower family, and the fact that her exam is this evening, soooo you nervous?, I ask, only a little, she replies, dad said that it's not the most scary experience in the world, I'll just go in answer some questions and pro-from some practices and that will be that, said Amy, we soon went in for class.

And throughout my lesson I thought about that guy, me being paranoid little me I worry that he is a slayer, or anything to do with them, that worry's me.

Meanwhile as the man in the car continued to drive, he thought about things, placing things together in his mind, especially what he was there to do, he pulled over outside a house, number 38 crimsdail road, and climbed out of his car, he then nervously knocked on the door, and a strange little man answered, come in, he grinned, so what's all this I'm hearing about this kid then?, he asked, we believe he is the son of the dark blooded killer, said another man, (this appears to be one of there little meetings) really?, he had offspring?, well not that we knew of, until now, but even more so sir, if Joyce tenerman is really a human then that would make this child a half blooded vampire, no!, said the man in shock, but there hasn't been a half blooded vampire case in centuries, I know said Glen, wait wait we must be sure first, said the man, oh indeed, I think we should go through and focus on the evidence we have, of course sir, said another man.

Meanwhile back at school, we walked down to the shop, (lunch break) We sat at the reck, Marcy nibbled on one of my sandwiches and tried one of my samosas, Amy went through her notes, right I think I'm prepared, said Amy.

Or at least I hope so, she says, after lunch we head back to school,

The day has been fairly normal,

After school Greg and I decide to be gentlemen and walk Amy and Marcy home, they can't stay out with us like we had hoped because of Amy's exam, but we wish her good luck,

We then head off and play football.

Soon later the hour of 6pm came and Amy and John leave for her exam, good luck, said Marcy hugging her before they left, good luck Ames, said Autumn also hugging Amy, it was not long later they left.

Now don't be nervous, I know an exam may be a nerve

racking thing but it's nothing to worry about, you will just be answering some questions and performing some practices, said John, I know I know, I just hope it goes well, said Amy, I'm sure it will, said John, the two soon arrived at the place where there meetings took place.

On the outside an ordinary pub, and on the inside, a pub ran by witches, and the basement is their meeting room, a big Area designed for this kind of thing, this is there new meeting hall, they have been through many in there time,

The basement was lit by thousands of candles and surrounding them were many interesting energy preserving stones, smoked Quartz, Amethyst, Black onyx and obsidian, the place looked even stranger then she had expected.

Everyone, now even John, was wearing a grey robe, And Amy soon went into the Exam room,

There were two men one woman, each 50 odd, but were most likely over 100,

Helta, (greetings in there language or there relation)

Helta, Replied Amy, on the Table there sat an orb, a spell book and a chest, all things Amy would use in the exam, all three examiners were sat at the table, right, we shall start with knowledge, who was the founder of the Hitiksha religion?, asked the woman,

His name was Hikoshy, replied Amy, and what led to the study of the Hitiksha?, the third person asked,

Meanwhile as Marcy and Autumn sat in the kitchen, I hope Amy's ok, said Marcy, I'm sure she's fine, said Autumn, the two were nibbling on some strawberry ice cream they had found in the freezer, I hate to say it but it is nice having the house to are selves, giggled Autumn, ah I know, giggled Marcy, August is also out, (seeing Friends without John knowing) Autumn And Marcy did tell him they would be alright, I must admit as great as men are it is nice it just being the two of us girls, smiled Autumn.

Meanwhile back at home while I sit and play online with Jake, so you feel ok?, I ask, yeah, I mean I feel a little sick but other then that I have had no other symptoms, or at least non so far, said Jake, you poor bastard, I say, Jokingly.

Back at Amy's Exam, she had cast six spells from the book on the table just as she had been asked, each had gone well, some almost failing but most going well, she had Read the Orb and answered each of the questions they had asked, she was then excused,

How did it go?, asked John, I dunno, very well Hopefully, the spells and reading of the orb went well, said Amy, it was then John was called in, and Amy sat and waited outside the room,

Brother John Forksgower, said the Examiners, congratulations, Amy has passed her Exam, they smiled, Johns Face melted into a pleasant smile, thank you 😀 thank you so much, they also shook his hand, her initiation shall be soon, John nodded, of course, how does a few days sound?, asked the female examiner, wonderful, Replied John, he soon went out and broke the news to Amy, who was, despite the fact that she had said that she was not interested before, was more then over Joyed.

On the way home as Amy and John drove, I'm proud of you Amy, I must admit, said John, well thanks dad, said Amy, she was not used to this kind of attention from her father but thoroughly enjoyed it, I am very proud of you Amy, said John, thank you dad, said Amy.

It had been an interesting day, but her exam had gone well.

End of chapter

By A.L Elmer

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