Chapter 2 when time stops

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The week went by quickly, this was sad,

First day of six-form, Monday the 7th of September 2019,

The night before I packed my school things, books, pencils, all that stuff, I prepared a check shirt jeans and laced plimsoll shoes, perfect back to school clothes I think.

My alarm went off, do do do!, my eyes opened, I then pulled myself out of bed, it's to early, I got dressed brushed my teeth shaved so on, and walked down stairs, my heart was beating with nerves, I really hope this day goes well, I have been having quite bad butterflies sense everything that happened with Oliver, mum made me some toast as I got my school things together.

I also made some tea, I ate the toast and drank the tea, delicious!,

Shortly after finishing my toast I heard a little knock at the door, it was Jake, you coming dude?, he asked, after I answered it, coming dude, I replied, mum kissed my cheek, have a good day darling, said mum.

I will, I replied, I soon left for school with Jake. So you sure you can walk with your leg?, I asked, I'm fine dude, said Jake, as we walked but I could tell he was struggling to walk,

We arrived at school, and went straight down to the six-form block, which is where are head master told us to go, after we checked just to make sure there wasn't an assembly we needed to go to or anything, the corse I'm doing allows me to do a 4 day week, but I can go in to study on the Thursday I'm not in, Jake has a similar corse but doesn't go in on Wednesday and Thursday.

We went into are first class,
For me it was psychology for Jake it was history,

He passed his history exam with a high grade, so did Marcy, they have been put in the same classes, it's a shame I took psychology, but you know, Amy is sat at the back, this is kinda awkward, I'll admit, are teacher is talking about the human brain and mind, or at least a healthy one, it is not long later we are dismissed.

Why were you so late?, asked Amy, I don't know, I replied, we did waste time a little on the way to school, said Jake, that was the most boring geography lesson I have ever sat though, said Greg walking over.

Marcy had already grabbed my hand, how was psychology?, fun I replied, it took my attention, I continued.

After school that day Greg and I played football, it was nice, shortly after playing football we went back to his,

We went straight into the kitchen, god first day back, said Greg, I know, I replied, he made me a drink and then Moana walked in, how was the first day of six-form?, shit, replied Greg, it will only get worse, said Moana, before leaving with a cup of coffee,

Good to know, I mutter, she came back in to charge her phone, we still ordering dominos tonight?, asked Greg, with hope, hopefully, Moana replied, Greg grinned, I need one right now, said Moana.

Well why are we so negative?, it could be fun sooner then later, I said, umm that's true, said Greg.

We watched movies, I walked home soon before his parents got back, I'm as you can imagine rather wary of them.

I got home, I had already let mum know where I would be, I walked in and headed straight to the kitchen, mum was cooking spaghetti bolognese, hello Freddy, how was school?, asked mum, it was ok, I replied, she giggled, not that great then, 😅.

No I replied, I sat at the table, and made a drink,

Honey can you please lay the table?, said mum handing me some cutlery, I put the knives the forks the bowls the plates all where they normally go, where they have always gone, not long later we both sat down for dinner, it was cooked to perfection,👌.

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