Chapter 9 Wellcome

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The time is 11:50pm, and the room was lit by candles, in the room there were stones, Salt stones amethyst, and a gathering of people, each in robes, all robes grey, some were young 16, some looking 32, some even older, but all of them witches,

Although there were many, there was a large amount of space in the middle, and at the end standing by the wall there was the man that was performing the initiation, he was the longest lasting Hitika member there was, and probably (by far) the oldest, however Will Westgate, looked as if he was in his 40s, and yes because he was the longest lasting member of the Hitika, that, as the tradition stood, meant that he would be the one to perform the initiations and so on,

Next to him there was an Orb on a table, or more of a small round stand, the Orb looked like any Orb, however it was clearly made from fire quartz, and there was an ever so slightly unusual feeling about it, Will Westgate had light brown hair with a reddish tinge, and he also had dark blue eyes, and a crooked nose that fitted his face perfectly.

They each stood waiting for Amy to enter, Amy who was outside the room with John was nervous but ready, right you know the vows and so on, said John, are you ready?, he asked, I think so, said Amy, she also had a robe on, her hair was down and her eyes were glistening in the candle light.

The two then entered the room,
John stood in the crowd and Amy slowly but calmly walked over to Will Westgate.

She soon got down to one knee, Brothers, sisters, we are each gathered here on this night to welcome this young witch to are cult, and she has proved herself strong and worthy, and most importantly ready to join us, so let us begin,

Do you Amy Forksgower feel ready to join us?, I do sir, said Amy, and do you Amy Forksgower vow to forever keep the secret and promise to stand in the path of the Hitika as of today and as of everyday?, I do sir, said Amy, and do you Amy Forksgower promise to stand by, protect and help your fellow members standing here with you?, he asked, I do, said Amy,

And do you swear to, as long as you are a member of this cult, swear to treat the others as your brethren?, I do, said Amy, he smiled, and do you Amy Forksgower promise to take a vow to serve are founder, Hikoshy?, he asked, I do, said Amy, he then took her hand and she stood up and he led her to the table, where she then placed her hand on her heart and her other hand up, right please repeat after me, I Amy Forksgower, here by swear to protect, serve, and stand by the Hitika, for as long as I am a member, said Will, Amy then repeated those words, her eyes were also closed, as they were supposed to be, I vow to treat my fellow members with respect and I vow to serve are founder Hikoshys words and creations with respect and dignity, said Will, Amy then repeated,

And he then led her hand, the one that was on her heart, to the Orb, now repeat after me, Hontolatoshy, hisons, bulshy, bitcrion, humonshy, Hitiksha, Amy then repeated, word for word, of corse she had practiced, he smiled, welcome, sister Amy!, every member smiled and cheered, welcome sister Amy.

Now just some background information, the reason Amy had to place her hand on the Orb, and that particular Orb for that matter was because that was the Orb of Hikoshy,

Hikoshy being the founder of their witchcraft, he after having a vision like dream began studying new types of witchcraft and experimenting with different energy's and began teaching those his practices, and eventually created the book of the Hitiksha, Hitiksha being the name of the religion, but he believed that a book even in it's own language would be something the wrong person could get there hands on, so he converted his teachings into an Orb, the Orb of Hikoshy, that's why reading an Orb is so important.

Now Hikoshy is not their god or anything just the founder of their religion, their religion is to praise the energy of the Earth, and use it for there practices, and to them there are many different types of energy's and ways of getting them, all witches have some belief or at least some kind of practice, the Hitika may sound like your average witchcraft hocus-pocus, but each cult believes in a slightly, or in some cases much different type of witchcraft, and believe me the Hitika has some odd ways of looking at things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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