Chapter 24 the blood of our yesterday

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The morning came, although we all could
barely sleep.

What time is it? Yawned Jake, "time to be awake" said John.

We stumble down stairs, David's already waiting for us with cold and harsh eyes, he's waiting in the dining room, Rose is already sat at the table, however she doesn't seem herself, she is quite obviously still out of it. "Good morning" 😊 smiles David, "morning" mutters Rose, how was it last night? Asks Jake, Rose shrugs, how should I know? only know I feel out of it today, like my head has been unscrewed and then screwed on again backwards, David smiles, you know it really is lovely to have you all here, lovely getting to know you all. Your never going to let us go are you? Asks John, perhaps not... says David looking up from his plate in discussed, although you shouldn't be questioning that now, after all curiosity killed the cat.

Moira, who has just entered the room gives an anxious look, the kind of look that says, don't blow our cover! David continues to smile, how is everyone? Good, we each mutter,

That's handy, it's good to be good, if not we are more or less just existing, and yet... Why do you want us here so desperately? Asks John, David shrugs, where's Rhydian? Asks Hellvana, I don't know who your talking about, there are a lot of you here you know, it's hard to keep track, what's under that trap door? Asks Jake, spontaneously. David looks up, he has a look of rage in his eyes, he smiles sweetly, trap door? There's a trap door under a rug here in one of the back rooms, what's that all about? He asks, David takes a bite from his bred and butter, before answering, just old books, clutter, and things, it's also where I store some of the blood for the vampires here, of course there aren't many, vampires are an endangered species you know, Jake nods, that room... shouldn't have been open for you you know? How did you get in, the door was unlocked and left ajar, I say without thinking. At this point I feel as if this place has tampered with our minds even more then it has, at this point I'm wondering if the door was even ajar at all, I wonder if we did find a trap door, or if we are lost in some kind of illusion and are starting to feel the thin line between reality and what simply isn't there.

David smiles, you two are nosy lads, you two shouldn't have been in there, and why wasn't that door the way it should have been? Asked David although he was looking at us I could tell he was talking to Moira. I don't know sir, that is rather odd I'll get that checked into sir, says another cult member, walking in to take our plates, Jake and Marcy's plate pretty much untouched. You vampires don't like eating much, it makes me laugh, although Moira's a vampire by blood she eats enough to hide it, he grins, but Moiras not quite a vampire is she? Asks Hellvana after a moment or too of silence.

And perhaps her current situation can allow her to suppress her symptoms, although she has to drink blood she may now be able to hold an appetite? Am I right, David nods with a look of positive anger in his eyes, only a theory of mine. She sits back and sips her coffee, why are we here? I ask, you know why Fredrick, says David, he lets out a slight chuckle, you know.

But we don't know, we never have, and probably never will, this to me and each of us, worry's me.

The following afternoon Jake John and I wound up in the same room as before, the one with the creepy trap door, Moira took us there, listen we don't have much time, tonight we shall leave? No no it's too soon, says John, besides, we can't leave Rose and she can't escape tonight not until her problem runs it's corse, only problem is.. will David wait for us? Asks Jake, no but maybe you see it appears for what ever he wants to do, he needs you all, all to be in a controlable form, so there for he will most likely wait for Rose to be back to her human self day and night, how do you know? Asks John, he told me, John nods, what is this place? David's old room full of his old stuff, what's up with the holy water? Asks Jake, and all the potions, it's not holy water, or it's holy water, but cursed, or something like that, be careful, all of the lotions and potions here are dangerous to an extent, he needs us to have weaknesses so honestly I'm not surprised.

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