Chapter 23 chained

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The footsteps got louder and louder, carefully creeping toward him, John turned in fear, David smiled, that same innocent little smile he always gave. Having a little wander were we? Why have you kept us here and what it's all this about? Asks John, I'm fed up with you being like this, speaking in riddles and holding us here in such a gentle way. What are you doing in my study? Asks David, one of many? Asks John, yes smiles David.

Oh I can't keep up with all of you, and your curiosity, said David sitting down and rubbing his face, John turned and rushed to the door, not to leave but to see if it had been locked (it had) what is all this about? You witches are so used to having everything your own way, I'm fact you can't cope if something isn't going the way you hope, he grins as he steers at John, I am right in saying that am I not? Witch is the correct term for you isn't it? Even for a male? I am right am I not? In my case the term is witch, not in all cults practices and cultures but in mine yes, witch is correct especially not warlock.

Have you enjoyed Epiths little visits? The way you feel so free? So... connected? Asks David, John shook his head, I don't know what planet you are or ever have been living on but what ever your doing is sick! Your sick, whispered John under his breath, me? Laughed David, sick? Why yes, all the best people are, why are you trapping us here really? I'm not, you can go any time you like, your just not choosing to leave, that's bullshit, we have tried many times, and every time there has been something off about this place, continued John, something someone, some kind of spell, something stopping us from leaving, it's god, god? God? I have been a witch long enough to know the difference between god and witchcraft, and what about the bible with my name on it? What's that all about?

David's face melts, John, oh poor old Johnathan Forksgower, man of many mysteries, giggles David as he stands, a man who has spent his entire long life running from what he can't handle, and destroying what he can, what?? Asks John impatiently, you heard me, you run from or fight what you can't handle, even if it's a good thing for you. Just like a boy, however you have no one to run for, no one to turn too, not even your best friend who you thought would be there forever, although you had seen death where ever you looked, you need this place, you need these people and what they can give... what they can bring... you crave the power, and yet you do not take it, why is that I wonder? David then walks over to the shelf to look at some books.

I don't under... you need this John! Snaps David as he turns to look at John, you need this as much as those kids do, you weren't supposed to see that bible, not yet at least, but now you have, what's holding us here? Witchcraft? Of course but behind it all god follows, that witchcraft is powerful, and dark, too powerful and dark for me and that's saying a lot, says David begging to smile gently, I have a lot of very powerful witches here, they can do a lot, he continues to gently smile. Perhaps not me or Joyce, but Rose and Jakes parents are going to wonder where they are, my friends, my brothers in our cult, will come looking, they will wonder where I am, Joyce's friends, her boss her colleagues, they will wonder where she has gone in no time at all, people will come looking for us! People will begin to worry and question where we have gone and what has happened to us.

Doesn't that concern you? Doesn't that worry you? Asks John, David looks up, he has been looking down for a while, no, no? Asks John, no, says David shaking his head, that has all been taken care of, Johns face turns pale, he can see Epith steering at him from the corner of the room and gesturing to keep quiet. What have you done to them? Have you sent someone after them? Have you brought them here? He takes a deep breath, are they dead? David laughs, no, of course not, of course I would do that if that is what god intended, only it's not what god intended, they are all alive and well, only obvious, and they will continue that way.

Johns eyes flicker back and forth from David and the corner, what are you looking at John? Why have you been making me see Epith? And how? A spell of that energy is extremely rare, to even find a book with that sort of spell would be tough, I have my ways, David grins.

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