Chapter 4 another day

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After that mum and I went home, it was a nice evening, mum however looked constantly nervous, I asked her if everything was ok on more then one occasion, but she never told me if anything was wrong.

The next day was Thursday, damn how I love Thursdays no school!, I am currently sat at the breakfast table with mum, the time is 11 o'clock, a nice lay in, 👌, so what are your plans today honey?, Mum asks, I don't know, I was thinking of going and seeing Jake but I don't want to be to intrusive, I say, well I was thinking of going into Eastcost, I have some shopping I need to do at lidl, said mum, Marcy's classes finish at 1pm today.

I guess I'll go over and see her.

I looked out at the window, and thought to myself, about things, about Jake, mum looked out at the window, why don't you go for a walk to clear your head?, said mum, I stand up and put my jacket on, I then head off, it's a nice morning, but my head is in a thousand places.

Who was that man?, should I be concerned?, no no it must be ok, is Jake going to be ok?, yes yes, Fred your over thinking, it's all going to be alright, why should I worry, it's all under control, I'm sure.

Meanwhile as Amy sat at the table, Amy the least you can try to do is read an orb, said John, your exam is in Less then a weeks time, said John, I know I know, said Amy, who was flicking through her spell book.

John had a point, her exam was in less then a weeks time, her exam to see if she was at a high enough level to become part of the cult, if she passed, her initiation would be soon after, but if she failed she would have to study and prepare again all from Square one, however although most young witches would be worried or stressed about this exam, Amy, being Amy was extremely relaxed about this, and couldn't really care less about passing or failing, mainly because she cares more about being a normal teenager then a witch.

She had to be 16 to take her exam, and two days after her birthday she was due to take the exam,
She flicked through her spell book and history book and continued to take notes, and attempted to read the orb that was also on the table, she had just gotten home from college or sixth-form, and now had to do even more revision, I then knocked on the door, Marcy answered, she smiled happily to see me, we kissed, I'm not intruding am I?, I ask, no no, says Marcy as she takes my hand, Amy was sat at the table, what the hell is that?, I ask, John is upstairs at this point, it's an orb, said Amy, it looked like a lump of unclear quartz in the 3D shape of an octagon, we use them to see into the future, said Amy, I need to learn how to use one soon, before my exam, said Amy, good luck, I say, cheers Fred, said Amy in an almost sarcastic way.

Marcy then takes my arm and leads me to her bedroom, where we sit on her bed and chat, and kiss, and she pulls out her sketch pad, can I draw you?, she asks, this to most may seam flattering but she asks me this on a daily basis, sure, I say, why do you love drawing me so much?, I ask, because your face is so beautiful, there is a vampiric streak in it and also a human like innocence, something exciting and handsome, something you don't get often in people, She reply's, I'm lost for words, which is true and what I say, ok which Pose do you want me to be in this time?, I ask, I want you to lay on your side on the bed, and smile lightly, however this time I want you to be completely undressed, she smirks, a cheeky little smirk but still a smirk, why?, I ask, giggling, because I want every single detail, she continued to smile,

Ok, I say in a cheeky way, she then proceeds to close the certain's, and the door, and also makes sure no one can come in, I then undress, and Marcy sits down on a chair in front of the bed with her sketch pad, and began to draw, the whole time I just hoped no one would come in or anything, but it was fun, looking into her beautiful eyes while she drew me, giggling and thinking of kissing her, I sat there.

We chatted and joked as we went,

I love you, I said, I love you too, she replies, with a warm smile, 😊, after she has drawn me we carry on enjoying each other's company, if you know what I mean, and after I arrive home I chat to Jake on the phone,

Hey dude you ok?, I ask, yeah all good, he replies, I spoke to the doctor today, Jake says, he is sorting me out a date for my first chemo
session, said Jake, you nervous?, I ask, only a little, he replies, I'm more concerned about the side affects it has, he replies, don't worry about that, I say, it's going to be ok, I continue, I know I know, he says, so are you gunna be in school tomorrow?, I ask, yeah, he replies, that gave me relief, look I don't want to be that guy, but are you sure that's not to much, what I mean is if you don't feel well enough to go in don't push yourself, I say, I know what you mean, but I have said it to my parents I have said it to the doctor, I have said it to Rose, and I'll say it again, I want to do it while I still can, I admire his Spirit, and I tell him that, thanks dude, he says cheerfully, no problem, I reply.

The next day came quickly, Friday at last, I walked to school with Jake, we met Marcy at the gate, she hugged me and gave me a kiss, Amy was with her, we walked in holding hands.

After are first class we had are first break, and soon later we sat down for lunch, at an out door table, Jake sat with us, dude I'm gunna go and fill up my hydro I'll be back in a second, ok dude, I say, so about this whole situation, I ask, do you think there's anything we can do?, I ask Marcy, the two of us are currently alone, well if anything you could speak to John, he may be able to help, but if we were to turn him?, I ask, Fred let's try to keep that out of the question, at least for now, she says, however I think we should at least keep that out of the question until he knows the truth, said Marcy,
I nodded, how do you think he will take it?, I asked, I don't know, she replied, but that's the way it is, I think we shall keep the whole turning him thing as a last resort, said Marcy, I nodded, he then came back.

I was watching this film last night, utter crap 😂, he joked, you know when you do that, spend hours watching something hoping it will get better, and it just doesn't 😂, he continued, if I had a pound for every time that has happened 😂, I laughed.

Throughout that day the idea of speaking to John about it flicked through my mind, maybe he could help.

And it is later that evening I find myself knocking at Johns door to ask him if there is anything he can do, Marcy answered, hello you, she smiled, hi, I'm sorry, but this time I need to speak to John quickly, I say, oh is it about Jake?, she asks, yeah, I reply, ok come in, she says, soon later I find myself sat Face to face in the living room with John, I know I promised Jake I wouldn't tell anyone but this is for the best,

It's my friend Jake cubison, he has cancer, I say, right, said John, and where do I come in?, he asks, I was wondering if there was anything you could do?, I ask, he looks down, and there is silence for a moment, I may be able to do something, but healing isn't my strong point, but this may work, however Fred this may have strong consequences, I suggest that we see how the human way of treating it works for him before we try using witchcraft on him, come back to me when you know there are no other options, said John, I nod, thank you John.

I stand up, this has given me hope.

End of chapter

By A.L Elmer

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