Chapter 8 cold wind

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Today is my least favourite day of the year,

Not just because it's September, but because it's my birthday, yes that's right as of today I am officially 16, I don't hate my birthday, but I would rather only get younger, another year gone is not something I like to think of.

I climb out of bed, morning Freddy, says mum, morning, I say, I can't believe my little man's 16 today, said mum kissing my four head, she gives me my traditional birthday breakfast, bacon eggs toast, (your full English breakfast) that has been the tradition sense I was 4, along with a glass of chocolate milkshake,

Thanks mum, I smile, oh no problem dear, Does Marcy know it's your birthday?, she asks, no, I reply, and I don't really want to let her know, I say, why?, asks mum, I, I dunno, I reply, she giggles, you never have really liked your birthday, after I have eaten I am about to leave, mum kisses my cheek and says, oh honey, I want you to be proud of who and what you are, you may not find any joy in your birthday but personally all I want to do is celebrate the fact that your here,

Naturally I'm speechless, thanks mum, I say, happy to be here, she gives me another kiss and then I head off.

Meanwhile in the basement of one of the members of the slayers association,

There was a gathering of about 12 to 20 people in the room gathered around the table, the man from before and Glen where there preaching, the son of the dark blooded killer walks the earth, said Glen, and not only that, but he is a half blooded vampire!, a gasp hit the room, or so we have reason to suspect he is, no no, you cannot strike without enough evidence, said Another, are you certain?, asked another, indeed, the person that hired us to end him was and we believe still is a human, he is around 15 or 16, the dates all add up, and the child looks the absolute spit of the man,

Well I'm afraid that's not good enough, said the man that was clearly hosting the meeting, but sir, said Glen, listen if you wish to pull an attack you may, however we shall not form a group attack without evidence, the Slayers Association shall not play a part without enough evidence, agreed, said another man at the back.

School went by quickly, after arriving home mum was still at work, there was a note on the counter that said, I'll be home from work soon, just put your feet up and the telly on, xx.

A very mum thing to say, and like it said in her note I did so,

Soon later she came home, and said, I think you should invite Marcy round, she would love to be here for your birthday, you know what I'm like on my birthday, I replied, oh alright, just us then 😊, she smiled, I was thinking I'd make your favourite, she giggled, spaghetti and meat Loaf, I smile, mum nods 😊, and that's what we have,

After dinner mum gives me a card, mum you didn't have to, I smile, open it first, she giggled, inside there were two football tickets to go and see the latest match at Brighton stadium, this ticket is for the match ( not the World Cup match but still!!) the next match which is in the next week or so, mum you, you, thank you!!, I say, you didn't have too, I wanted too 😊, smiled mum, it would make a nice surprise for you on your birthday, I also thought that would cheer you up a bit, thank you, I say,

The rest of the night is Pleasant.

The next day came soon, Thursday, I like Thursdays, a whole day off school, I go over too Jake, the moment he answers the door I notice the fact that the chemo is really taking an effect on his features, his hair is already much thinner, his face is slightly pail, his eyes have slightly noticeable dark circles underneath, it has only been a few weeks sense he has started treatment and already he is looking ill, hey dude you ok? He asked, yeah, I reply, you wanna come in?, she asks, sure, I reply, we chat and enjoy are time together, as you do.

Meanwhile, as Amy walked home from sixth-form, Marcy was at the book shop, as a form of teaching her, part of the many stages of being a Guardian is testing a vampire with there freedom, Marcy hasn't lost control and killed anyone in a while and seems to be managing it well, so they are testing her with more freedom, Marcy of corse loves that,

Quite happily wondering home, Greg however was having a ride on the moped, and pulled over, Amy grinned, your stopping for me?, he takes his helmet off, you wanna lift?, nah I'm alright, said Amy,

You sure?, this thing may be a moped but it's fast as hell, and as fun as hell I'll tell you that, Amy giggled, is this your attempt of flirting?, she asked, still grinning, no, this is my attempt to get a girl on the back of my first vehicle, he continued to smirk, Amy thought for a moment, oh alright then, she smiled, a warm little smile, not one Amy often gives, she then climbed on the back and placed her hands around Greg's chest, as they rode down the road, Amy began to blush, she had never felt this tension before.

They rode down the country paths with such speed, Amy looked up, she had never felt so free,

As she held his chest, and the suns heat held her back, and yet the cool breeze was hitting her face, they soon found themselves looking over the cliffs of Eastcost, looking over at the sky and sea. Greg had stoped the moped and they were still sitting on it, it's beautiful, isn't it, said Amy, it is, said Greg.

Not Long later, Greg drove her home. Thanks, said Amy as she Climbed off, you are very much welcome, he smiled, she continued to blush as her eyes studied him. Even after going back into the house her mind could not wonder from the memory that they had both had, watching the sea, the sky, the wind blowing through her hair, the fact that the two of them had had a laugh, she continued to smile.

So what do you think it was that killed those chickens?, I asked, I have no idea, absolutely no idea, 😂, something absolutely huge, said Jake, the words, round two of beast of Oakmore rode through my mind, well they've managed to lay low this long, I think to myself, that's all.

End of chapter

By A.L Elmer

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