Chapter 3 heart beats

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I walked out into the cold night, I still remember the wind blowing through my hair ever so gently, it was a calming and gentle walk, once I got to Marcy's I tapped on the door, it was not late but not early, Marcy answered, she was in her pyjamas, Fred what are you doing here?, she seemed happy to see me, hey I'm sorry it's not to late is it, I asked, oh no of course not it's only 8:30 come in, she smiled, we kissed before she took my hand and led me in,

You don't seem yourself are you alright?, she asked, umm yeah, I just I just have, it's Jake, I replied, oh god is everything ok?, she asked, we were in the kitchen alone, John was watching tv in the living room, I could hear it, Amy was most likely upstairs,

What is it?, she asked, is everything ok?, he has cancer, I replied, Marcy looked more then shocked, oh god, that's awful I'm sorry, she hugged me, it's not me that's suffering, I can't imagine how he must be feeling, I said, she could see even talking about it was almost making me cry, (but I'm a man) I held back my tears, we went up to her bedroom and for a while nothing was said, we just laid down in each others arms, her head placed on my chest, as we began to kiss, soon later we were undressing each other.

Meanwhile as mum hovered around the kitchen, hoping I would be home soon, she began to think to herself about Glen, she had a lot over that summer, since he had knocked on the door, what if he finds out?, she thought, if they find out about Fred they will kill him!, oh god, I don't want to have to move again.


Heart beets that's all I could feel, all I could hear, we were speechless in each other's arms, resting in bed. Fred?, asked Marcy, yeah?, I asked, Jakes going to be ok, you know that don't you?, she asked, yeah, I said, he doesn't deserve this, I said, no, one does, said Marcy, I'm here, every second of the way, said Marcy gently, Marcy?, I asked, yeah?, she asked, is there anything I can do?, being that we are vampires and all of that?, I asked, well it depends, if we turned him into one of us then that would make him immune to it, but other then that no, she replied.

Well there is no way we are doing that to him, I said, if your wondering why, the life of a vampire is more then painful, mine isn't that bad but I am only half, Marcy has had to live with it like a millstone around her neck.

Well maybe it's time to tell him, said Marcy, maybe, I replied.

Soon later We got dressed, and I went home, I love you, said Marcy as we said goodbye, we kissed, John walked passed as I said I love you back, he is a little more comfortable with the idea of me, being that I helped Marcy when all that stuff with the slayers kicked off, he has sense said that he likes the person I am but he still doesn't agree with the idea of us dating, I can tell Marcy is going to be in trouble, I love you too, I said gently, after one finale kiss I left.

It's almost 11 o'clock, mums really not going to be happy.

I got home, mum was in the kitchen, as soon as I walked through the front door I heard, Fredrick Yones!, what are you doing home so late?!, asked mum, she is more then angry, mum I'm so sorry Marcy and I lost track of time, I said, well
You still could have been more careful, I was so worried, said mum hugging me, I thought you had been killed by slayers, she had tears in her eyes.

I'm fine mum, I say, don't do that again!, ok?, said mum, ok, replied.

I soon went up to bed, I'm so worried about Jake, nothing bad is gunna happen though right?, no no, he's gunna be fine they caught it just in time, yeah, it's all gunna be ok.

The next morning soon came, my first class started at 11 today, that's just the way my timetable is, I did not want go in, to face it all,

Today is Wednesday, I don't like Wednesdays, Jake isn't in school, I texted him on the way, you ok?, I asked, I'm ok, He replied.

Once I got to school I found Greg, you look like shit what's wrong?, he asked, nothing I replied,

After class we ate lunch just as usual, you got anything planned for your birthday Amy?, asked Greg, yeah, she replied, we were going to go down to this diner in Eastcost, said Marcy cheerfully, we were meaning to ask if you two wanted to come with us?, asked Amy, that would be great, said Greg, Saturday right?, yeah, she replied, I nodded what time?, I asked, 4 we were going to head down there, said Marcy, see you there, I said, cheerfully.

after school Greg and I played football, Marcy and Amy came to watch,

It was your usual football match with Greg, he is unbeatable, but it was still fun, look at you trying to impress the girls, I joked, shut up!, there right over there, he joked, ooohhh well excuse me 😂, within this Conversation Greg missed the goal 😂, screw you, I laughed, OI! You made me miss that, said Greg, It's not my fault you weren't paying attention, I teased, I can tell he was generally annoyed.

Meanwhile as Mum stood at the desk of the shop that she works for, she was soon due to move on from that job, that was when another customer walked in, hello welcome to..., she then realised who it was, Glen, she smiled, (in a worried way) hello, he smiled, so what are you doing here?, she asked, I'm back down visiting some old friends once again, I thought I had heard that you were working here, he grinned, it's nice to see you, and you, she replied, how are things?, he asked, (he wasn't just being friendly, he knew that she had had a son, or at least that is what he had heard, and he had come to grill her for information) well things are good, she smiled, how is your life?, she asked, good good, he grinned.

It was then I foolishly walked in, I had finished playing football with Greg, and he had gone home, Glen looked at me, hi mum, I said, I walked over to her and she kissed my cheek, how was school honey?, she asked, good I replied, this is Glen, she said, Glen this is my son, really?, he asked, shit!, thought Mum, really well it's nice to meet you..? Fred, I replied, in suspicion shaking his hand, he soon left after that, who was he?, I asked, someone I knew long ago, replied mum.

End of chapter

By A.L Elmer

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