Chapter 5 another year

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I walk home from Johns after spending some time with Marcy,

After getting home I played on my Xbox for a while, and I thought about telling Jake the truth, it's just, I wonder how he will react, this worry's me, I know at first he won't believe me, I mean who would?, obviously I would have to show him proof, proof such as my disturbing red eyes, I have only just learnt how to control them in fact, or I could show him the contents of my tea cup, which ever it may be, this is going to change his life for good, this type of thing does to people.

I lay in my room thinking about this for a while, but the thought worry's me, if Marcy and I were to even think of turning Jake it would mean many different things, including Oakmores newest killer, but despite that he would have to face the fact that he would live for ever, that may sound appealing but he would have to watch his family and everyone he cares about die, the thought alone is terrifying, he would have to face the difficulty of Vampiric life, which is full of many problems, not only that but what would we have to do about his family?, either tell them as well or try and help him hide it, but I don't think a Greg situation is the wisest option either.

I check my phone, it's 1:30am, I have been laying here and thinking about this for hours now, John told me to see how the Chemo goes, but if I have the chance to stop it I don't want to make Jake go through that, well tomorrow is Saturday, and Amy's birthday, shit what do girls like for there birthdays?, oh well I'll grab her something in the morning.

I wake up at about 10am, I text Marcy, umm what does Amy want for her birthday?, she texts me back while I eat breakfast, Hitikan witches don't get gifts from anyone other then there parents so don't worry about that, ah fair enough, I carry on eating my co co pops, soon later Jake texts me, dude I have to go to the shop for mum you wanna come with?, I text him back, when?, he texts me back, 12ish, yeah sure see you in an hour,

This may be more of an opportunity then a little task with Jake, to speak about the way things are going and so on, and think about things.

I meet him soon after at his house, we are a small village so he only lives at the next street which is not a long walk 2 seconds really, he answers the door, he was wearing a green hoodie and a little black hat, it suits his dark green hoodie, hey dude, he says, hey, you ready to go?, I ask, yeah, he replies, soon after we head off, so how is everything?, I ask, it's ok, I uh I start the chemo next week, said Jake, you nervous?, I ask, nah, he replies, dude, if you could be immortal, would you?, I ask, he smiles, hell yeah, why not?, I dunno, I reply, ok well what if you had certain weaknesses?, well it depends, would the strength outweigh the weakness?, he asks, umm, kind off, I reply, one weakness being that he would have to cope with the fact that he wouldn't have very much control of his hunger, this may take a while to get ahold of, I don't want to put Jake through that, but cancer is a lot to go through, I mean the whole package is.

In the shop we grab the groceries we need, and we continue to chat about things, and I think about telling him, I think about telling him the truth about me and Marcy, but I don't think he would react well, I mean who would?, but I'm over thinking, if John heals him then I would still have to tell him, which at that point I don't have a problem with, it's just, he would never see life in the same light again.

As we walk home we stumble across some boys from school, I had seen them pick on Jake before, one of them is tall one of them is slightly shorter, the other is slightly taller then the shorter one, one in a black hoodie with a picture of a pair of lips with two fangs making the lips bleed, the other guy had a green hoodie, it was plain, the last guy had a dark blue pair of jeans and was wearing a white Tokyo ghoul hoodie, one was wearing a black cap, the other was wearing a hat like Jakes.

Oi!, Jake and I turn around, and look over, why don't you piss off back to India!, they scream, let's just keep walking, said Jake in shame, we turn around and carry on, if your wondering, due to the fact that Jakes real dad is from India Jake obviously has darker skin, and is a target to people like that, Oi!, they shout as they follow us, Oi!, you think you can just walk off?!, they continue to shout and swear at us, and after a while of us ignoring them they eventually call Jake the N-word, that's when I decided it has gone on long enough, I didn't want to say anything before, because I didn't want to make to much of an issue, and neither did Jake, but now I am at my wits end, Oi!, how dare you think you can say things like that and speak to my friend like that!, I scream, I wouldn't want to behave like them though, getting to there level would be wrong, although I shout I make sure not to swear,

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