Chapter 25 life is of lust (final chapter)

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It is normal you know...

Said a calm and gentle voice, it was the voice of an older man, although Jake recognised his voice, it sounded new, it sounded softer, kinder, with more care, as if it had been softened over the course of years.

Jake looked over, he had still been stuck in a pit of deep panic next to the corps, David! He jump, how the hell did you manage to get there so quietly? David smiles, it gets easier, especially after the first time, I hear that a lot mainly with vampires, he gestures to the body now on the floor, I-I'm, it doesn't matter Jakob, it really couldn't matter less at this time, it's normal for your kind, I'm surprised you hadn't realised that, I had, just not that it would be so brutal, said Jake, David smiled.

Your a bastard? ayy? Asks Jake in confusion, your a bastard? That is right? Your not the result of a healthy marriage? Oh yeah, says Jake, David smiles, your craving the love of a father, the love you have never known, the love that has never found you, or rather you have never let it in, it's the same with your friend you know, having a dead father for as long as he can remember has left him fairly venerable especially taking into account the fact that his mother murdered his old man, David laughs, it wasn't like that, says Jake, it doesn't matter how it was, it still left him with an open wound despite the fact he doesn't notice it.

What do you want? Why have you come here? Why can't you just let me come to terms with this? Because it is my job, replies David, besides I couldn't have cared less about her, don't worry she was a psycho, in fact... I wanted you to do that, I hoped you would, what? kill her? Asks Jake in horror, David nods, why do you think I asked her to keep an eye on you lot, I wanted that, or at least it wasn't much of a sacrifice she wasn't one of my best. Jake nods, I'll have someone clean her up no worries, and please don't panic it will only get easier, that's why being here will help you most, being here with the father that will always care, not the one that only pretends too in order to keep his wife happy. He may not be my real dad but he is good to me, and I can tell he cares he always has, says Jake, hum, would he care if he knew of your current condition? O-or your sisters? Although it is a bit different with hers isn't it because she is his, he has to care about her weather he likes it or not with you he is aloud not too... David grins,

Listen mate I dunno what sick psychological game your playing here but it's gross, I can tell your trying too manipulate me, says Jake, yes and I can see my comments are getting too you, tell me is pointing out the truth a crime? Is that manipulation? Your a killer, you better accept that, and your a killer better off here. Your lies are almost believeable, grins Jake, lies are only truths viewed from a different angle.

I'm right about you being a killer? Am I not? Jake nods with his eyes fixed on the body, the dead body laying before him. She was covered in blood and her eyes where fixed open. You will turn into a psycho eventually, says David, better do it here where your aloud too. I'm not going to end up like her, not here anyway, says Jake, I don't know why you want us and or how you do half the stuff you do, how you act like a monster and yet your human, you have more the choice, killing her although I did it was out of my control, this place, the choices you make, your not like me your not a cold blooded monster that has to do these things, I know some people are just crazy, well I'll be damned if I'll be like you. You know your glad to be the way you are, says David, glad? Jacob I'm like god, I work in mysterious ways, I do these things in the name of others, only they are too ignorant to understand why, I do these things because they are children. Why did you have Moira turn me into this? Jacob if I hadn't you would have died, my cancer had been cured, there's no such thing as a cure for cancer, not in your world, Moira read your palm, she said it's unclear but you would have likely developed cancer again, and if you hadn't and others in your world would have found out, others being slayers or mythical creatures you would have most likely been hunted down and killed on the ground that you know too much, I was protecting you, Moira said one or the other would have found out and the need to run and struggle following your murder would have been your new cancer this way things are better and you owe me, and Moira.

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