Chapter 7 Tuesday

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Tuesday, just another day, although Amy's initiation is tomorrow, Tuesday is another day, and I hope it will stay that way,

Last night was full moon, so I well and truly hope this day remains normal, I hope that there is nothing unordinary to be found,

I get dressed and head off for sixth-form,

Meanwhile back at the Cubison household, Rose had just gotten up, she had arrived back at home a few hours before, and slipped into bed, she wondered down stairs and into the kitchen where her family were, There father had already made Jake a cup of tea and was drinking one himself, Jake soon looked out the kitchen window and realised the horrifying state that the chicken coop was in, (just to be clear, Jakes mother has had chickens for years)

Umm mum, said Jake, what now dear?, asked Mrs Cubison,

Rose felt washed out and sick, she made herself a glass of water before even noticing what was going on,

Mrs Cubison screamed, dropping the glass of orange juice she had made for herself, ahhh!!,

Rose anxiously sipped her water,

The door to the chicken coop had been smashed open and as for the chickens, well what was left of them was in the coop,

My chickens!, screamed Mrs Cubison, it was not long later she and Jake were outside investigating.

Rose, a few hours earlier had woken up half naked in a pall of blood and feathers, her chains had snapped and she had, despite the fact that she, (like Greg) travels miles from town, she had found herself in the chicken coop, she had woken up when the sun rise approached, and slipped through the house through the back door, she unlocked the, or what was left of the chains that were around her wrists, with the spear key she keeps in her room, she had washed off all the blood from her skin and slipped into bed,

Jake and his mother however were not prepared to see the gruesome state that the chicken coop was in, before there had been 31 chickens happily thriving in there, and now left alive there were about 8, some were roaming around the garden, but there were no two ways about the state that the chicken coop was in, there was blood plastered all over the inside, and like it has been mentioned before, there were also endless clumps of white and brown feathers, and of course some of what was left of the deceased chickens, it was clear to Jake and Mrs Cubison, that this was the work of a Predator and a vicious terrifying one at that.

What the hell kind of creature devours 23 chickens just like that?, asked Jake as the two came back inside, Rose sat shuddering in her seat, maybe it was, it was a gang of foxes, said Rose, a gang of foxes, when have you ever seen a gang of foxes?, asked Jake, Rose shrugged, well what ever it was managed to break through the door to the coop, and corse all of that damage, said Mr Cubison, Rose stood up, not only did she feel sick she also felt extremely full up, that made a lot of sense considering she was digesting 23 chickens,

She sipped her water again, and walked over to make coffee, all she could taste was the taste of blood and raw chicken in her mouth, but Rose had learnt to love that taste, or that kind of taste over the years, ha do you know what?, asked Jake, what dear?, asked his mother, I officially believe in werewolves now, said Jake trying to lighten things, Rose nervously sipped her coffee and turned to go up to her room and get ready for school.

Meanwhile as I stand waiting for Jake at the school gate, Greg miserably walks passed, what's wrong now?, I ask trying to sound cheerful, 😀, nothing just washed out, full moon does that to you, said Greg, fair enough,

Dude dude!!, your not gunna believe this, said Jake walking over, what?, I ask, some creature attacked my mums chickens last night, got 23 of them, no way, I say, mainly trying to act surprised, I know, the condition that the coop is in is really gruesome, said Jake, like what ever it was clearly managed to destroy the door as well, said Jake, good grief, said Greg, (continuing to try and sound shocked) the bell then rang and we went to are first class, after Jake had gone in I looked at Greg, well don't look at me, said Greg, it wasn't me that killed her chickens, said Greg, are you sure?, I ask, positively, he continues, what makes you so sure it's me anyway?, he asks, because you live two doors up, and your also a werewolf, I reply,

Well after what happened with Miss bowmont I wouldn't really consider the lie that I'm the only one in town, said Greg, and that makes perfect sense, I woke up before school and got the bus home, just as usual, said Greg, well then, it's obviously someone that hasn't been that way for very long, I say, or very long before Miss bowmont anyway, I continue, we both head in, to are first class.

I sit next to Amy, so what's on the to do list for today?, I ask, I dunno, after school Marcy and I thought we would nip to the shop, and then I need to get back, we are still settling the kitten in, and what are you up to this evening?, asked Amy, nothing much, I reply, probably going online with Jake, I say, Amy nods, I really can't say I understand video games, she says, well neither do I but they are a good way to pass the time, 😅, fair enough, said Amy, she is about to say more but then are teacher walks in, right students today we are going to be learning about the affects and corses of a personality disorder, says Miss Nutvalve.

At break I sit, as I always do with Marcy, I nibble my sandwich and she chats to me, about her latest landscape painting, and how she wants to Paint me in it,

After school Marcy and I walk home, Amy of course accompanies us, there was a copy of the local paper blowing about in the wind, so then, I heard about what happened to Mrs Cubison's chickens, said Amy, yeah, I reply, the beast of Oakmore strikes again, said Amy, yeah, I reply again,

After walking home Marcy and I went up to her room, and After that I went home, I played online with Jake and did my assignments,

And Jake told me he had been quite ill, and the side affects of the chemo had kicked in, this worries me, I really don't want to have to watch him deteriorate, however like John said, I should give the chemo a chance,

And how's your mum?, I ask, still pissed about her chickens but what can we do?, he asked himself, the beast of Oakmore struck again and there is not much we can do about it, continued Jake, I guess so, I say.

End of Chapter

By A.L Elmer

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