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❝so make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it❞

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

After dinner, Ella's parents decided to call it a night, and she was able to stay up with her older siblings and Sofia and just talk and hang out. It was one of the first times that she was allowed to hang out with them, because usually, her parents would make her go to bed stating that she was too young and that they were having adult conversations. But not this time. This time, Ella was able to listen, observe, and even chime in. 

Ella and Taylor sat on one couch and Sofia and Austin sat on the other. They had just finished an intense game of Uno and were chatting. The adults were drinking wine and Ella had hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon.

Ella leaned further into her older sister, who protectively wrapped her arms around her, running her hands through her hair. On the other side, Austin leaned back into the sofa, and Sofia laid in between him, on his chest, as he had his arms crossed over her upper chest. 

They continued to catch up and talked about their lives, and slowly, Ella felt herself nearly dozing off as she forced herself to stay awake. She adjusted herself in Taylor's arms, moving down to put her head on her lap, so as to adopt a more comfortable position, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

"She's knocked out," Sofia said softly, using her eyes to usher towards the younger girl who was sleeping soundly on Taylor's lap, soft snores emitting from her. Taylor smiled before grabbing the throw blanket draped over the arm of the couch and used it to cover her little sister, as she continued to caress her hair.

"She really misses you when you're gone, Teffy," Austin said to his older sister, as the two older Swift siblings locked eyes in a knowing glance. It was always a known thing, how much Ella adored her oldest sibling. She, of course, loved her brother as well, but the bond between Ella and Taylor was undeniably the most pure thing in either girl's life, and everyone knew it. Coming second in Ella's life didn't bother Austin, as he knew his sisters both loved him very much and he would do anything for either of them. Rather, it reassured him that no matter what, Ella and Taylor would always have that bond.

"I know, I miss her more than anything, too" Taylor sighed, feeling her chest get heavy. Her bond with Ella was unlike any other. From the moment she was born, she felt the strongest maternal instinct and an unimaginable amount of love towards her little sister. That love had only grown, and each time she left her, she felt as though a piece of her heart was missing. If it was up to Taylor, Ella would be with her all the time. But her life was here, in Nashville, and it wouldn't be right of Taylor to uproot her. Plus, her parents had already said no, time and time again.

"She knows that she can always call or text you. And she knows how much you love her. Anyone with eyes can see how much that little girl admires her sister," Sofia spoke up, smiling at the blonde girl. Sofia only had one sibling, an older sister, and while the two were close, their relationship was nowhere near the relationship between the Swift sisters, but it was getting there. Having known both Taylor and Ella over the past few years and seeing their bond, Sofia had attempted to strengthen her own relationship with her sister as well. The brunette could confidently say that if it wasn't because of Taylor and Ella, her sister and herself would not have rebuilt their relationship to where it was today. 

"Thanks, Sof," Taylor smiled, knowing that the brunette was trying to cheer her up. She leaned over and softly kissed the top of Ella's head, brushing her blonde hair away from her face. 

Ella woke up from a bad dream and groggily turned over to check the time. Half past four. She didn't remember when she got to her room or even when she fell asleep. The last thing she remembered was hanging out with Austin, Taylor, and Sofia. 

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