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one look, dark room, meant just for you

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

The early September morning brought with it a slight breeze as the two sisters bid farewell in the back of Taylor's car. Ella's time with Taylor had quickly come to an end and Ella was leaving with weeks worth of unforgettable memories and experiences. Ella was heading back to Nashville to prepare for the upcoming school year that would begin the following Monday and Taylor was getting ready to take her tour internationally.

Taylor pulled Ella into her arms once more, expressing her heartfelt admirations as she squeezed the teenager tightly, resting her chin on the top of Ella's head. Ella felt her eyes begin to water as she furrowed her brows and allowed herself to focus on Taylor's heartbeat, grounding herself. While she was excited to go back home, to a life filled busy adults who loved her deeply, but had their own lives, which allowed her get back to the swing of things, she would miss Taylor more than she could possibly put into words.

The two pulled apart once more as Taylor held Ella's face in her hands, taking in her blue eyes and the light freckles. "Take care of yourself, my love," Taylor said softly, brushing some of her sister's golden locks away from her face.

"You too, Tay. I'll miss you. I will see you soon, right?" The teenager asked as she looked her sister for a final confirmation.

"Yes, I will come home mid-October, so just six short weeks," Taylor's voice wavered slightly as she put up a strong front for Ella. If she cracked, then Ella would begin crying and she didn't want that to happen.

Ella sighed heavily as she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself not to cry. As proud as she was of her sister and the incredible person she was, she wished that she could have more time with her, as opposed to a few days or a few weeks sporadically spread across the calendar year. But alas, there was no use doting over things that could not be changed. She was who she was and Taylor was who she was and there was no changing that.

"Okay bean, it's time to go," Taylor hugged Ella one last time as the younger girl returned the embrace and the two separated. Ella grabbed her backpack and opened the car door, the security personnel waiting right outside to escort her fifty feet to the plane and back to Tennessee. Taylor rolled the window down but remained hidden in the car as she watched her sister climb the stairs of the jet, waving to her.

Once Ella got to the top she turned around once more and waved at Taylor, who was blowing her multiple kisses. Ella smiled widely as she returned the sentiment.

"I love you! " Ella mouthed before waving one last time and entering the plane.

"Mommy! Dad!" Ella squealed as she sprinted down the stairs of the jet into the open arms of her parents, who were waiting outside their car with flowers and a handmade sign.

Scott pulled his youngest into his arms, feeling thankful that she was finally back, safe and sound. His kids were his entire world and the bond he shared with Ella was irreplaceable.

"We missed you, kiddo!" Scott exclaimed, as he finally released Ella from his grip, only for the teenager to be scooped up into another embrace by her mother.

"I am never letting you leave for that long ever again, El. The house wasn't the same without my girl!" Andrea exclaimed, peppering Ella's face with kisses as she held her tightly, much like Taylor had a few short hours ago.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart? We can grab Jack's on the way home. Your favorite!" Scott offered with a smile on his face, hoping to cheer up Ella who he knew, according to Taylor, had a hard time leaving that morning.

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