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i was enchanted to meet you

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Ella sighed loudly as her alarm blared through her silent room, mustering up the strength to turn over and press snooze. Pulling the comforter over her head, she began to feel the bliss warmth of sleep overtake her once more.

Then, the alarm rang again and once again, the warmth disappeared and she was annoyingly awakened from her slumber.

"Ella! For the fifth time, we are going to be late ! Get up!" Ella heard her mom's voice calling her, as she sighed heavily, mentally preparing herself to get up and exchange the comfort of her bed for uncomfortable school chairs.

It wasn't that Ella disliked school. She was decently popular, had quite a few good friends, and was on student council and other committees. She was a cheerleader and had great grades and amazing relationships with her teachers. She just hated the repetition that was high school. She disliked having to go to the same classes, each and every single day, that provided students with busy-work and mundane and drawn-out lessons and assignments, when instead she could be out in the real-world, learning things that would benefit her future.

Like most other mornings, Ella noticed the time and quickly began getting ready, racing to pack her backpack and put makeup on, before running downstairs and towards the garage where her mom was waiting, only stopping to grab her lunch and say goodbye to her father, who was working in his office.

"Good morning, Momma!" Ella smiled sheepishly, knowing that they were going to be late, for the third time this week.

"Ella . . . at this rate, you won't graduate freshman year!" Her mom, Andrea, half-joked, shaking her head at the teenager who was laughing. Ella never minded being late, and it was fine, because her mom stressed out enough about punctuality for the two of them.

"Swifterella!" Ella heard someone call her name, as she left her fourth class of the day, heading out to lunch. Rolling her eyes, she turned towards the voice, knowing that there was only one person in the world who called her that unique combination of her first and last names.

"Kennadie!" Ella returned with her own special nickname for the brunette girl that was now approaching her. The two embraced one another in a hug, as if they had not seen each other in weeks. In reality, it had been two days.

"How are ya?" Ella asked, knowing her best friend had been sick for the past couple days.

"Pshh, I'm fine. A little cold can't stop your girl!" Kenna laughed, her green eyes twinkling as Ella shook her head and the two girls waltzed off to lunch. Kenna Dawson and Ella had met in first grade, when Kenna had just moved to their school. Their teacher sat them next to one another because she thought they could pass as sisters. Ella shared her marshmallows with Kenna and they had been best friends since.

Finally, the bell that signified the end of the day rang, and Ella quickly slung her backpack over her shoulder before heading out to the parking lot, searching for the white Range Rover that belonged to her mom. As soon as she spotted it, she began heading towards it, opening the door to see her mother's grinning face.

"Mom . . . why do you look like that? Ella asked, her mom's overly-enthusiastic expression freaking her out.

"Oh my gosh, you make me laugh! Can't a mother just be happy to see her precious daughter?"

"Not that happy, Mom," Ella responded, now smiling sarcastically as her mother laughed again, heading out of the loading zone.

"No, but seriously! Tell meee!" Ella emphasized her sentence, grabbing her mother's right arm and shaking it repeatedly so as to get her to tell her.

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