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sapphire tears on my face, sadness became my whole sky

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Ella glanced at the clock for the fourth time in the last fifteen minutes.

"Okay girl, I love you, but you're even making me anxious now," Kenna rolled her eyes at her best friend, before swatting away her hand as she reached to check the time on her phone yet again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I can't help it. Mom said she would call me out at 11:30 A.M. and it's currently 11:28 A.M. I told her I wanted to be there before Tay got home!" Ella responded in a hushed tone, filled with anxiety as to why she hadn't received an early-release pass yet. It had been three weeks since Taylor had left, and one week since her tour began. Ella's mom was able to go to the opening weekend shows, but because of dance and school, Ella had to stay home with her dad. She was disappointed that she couldn't go, and she knew that deep down, Taylor was too, even though she would never admit it. Therefore, she had planned a surprise party for Taylor and needed to finish setting everything up before she got home, hence the early release from school.

"I know. Don't worry, they'll call or bring the slip, I promise," Kenna smiled as she placed a gentle arm on Ella's restless knee, calming it down for the time being. And just like clockwork, she heard the classroom phone ring, and her teacher pick it up, before nodding and briefly looking in Ella's direction.

"Ella, you're going home for the day. Go to the office with your stuff," Her math teacher smiled, and Ella squealed before grabbing her already-packed backpack, saying goodbye to Kenna, and heading out the door.

"Hi there, honey!" Andrea exclaimed as her youngest threw the car door open, breathing heavily from running all the way from her school's office.

"Hey Mom! Let's go!" Ella rushed as she urged her mother to begin driving, to which the older woman obliged, laughing. She headed for the parking lot exit, turning on her blinkers and making a right onto the main street.

"The stuff you ordered on Amazon just arrived right before I left, and so the only thing we have left are the balloons that we have to pick up," Andrea reminded Ella, as she nodded excitedly and pointed forward.

"Onward to the balloons, Mother!"

"Well kid, I think this looks spectacular, if I do say so myself," Scott patted his daughter on the back, as the three of them stepped back to admire their work. It was now half past two, and Ella and her parents had been setting up for everything for the past few hours and it was finally completed. Upon entering, there was a balloon arch mounted across the staircase, with balloon lettering that read "Congrats Tay" in her different album colors. The rest of the downstairs area was decorated by era, with each section of the home being a different era, beginning with Taylor Swift and ending with Midnights. Every section had its own balloons, matching the color, as well as streamers, confetti, decorations, and snacks that corresponded. In the great room, the trio had set up everything related to the Eras Tour, including the posters, merchandise, and more decorations.

Ella grinned as she fell back onto the couch, taking a deep breath. She felt shaky, but chalked it up to the excitement and her own personal need for perfection. But everything was ready, and now it was just a waiting game. Everyone was coming at seven and the food would be there at eight, so the last thing they needed was Taylor herself.

"When did she say she was coming again, Mom?" Ella asked her mother, yet again. Within the last hour, the teenager had inquired about her older sister's whereabouts more times than her mother could count.

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