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what would you do if they never found us out?

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"El, I forgot to mention. Selena's coming tonight," Taylor casually mentioned as she pulled on her rhinestone filled custom Louboutin boots for the opening set. It was the second-to-last Los Angeles show and while Ella loved watching her sister perform, the long nights, every single night, were slowly beginning to get old.

"Huh?" Ella asked, stopping dead in her tracks as she felt her breath hitch. She had heard her sister perfectly, but prayed that she was wrong.

Taylor looked over at the teenager, furrowing her brows in confusion. Ella's body language looked frightened, and Taylor had no idea why. Selena was like another sister to Ella. "I said Selena's coming tonight," Taylor repeated hesitantly, as she walked up to the younger girl. "Is everything okay, Ella?" From the corner of her eye, she could see her tour manager trying to get her attention as she pointed to her wrist, emphasizing the time.

"Everything's fine! Sorry! You better go, the show can't start without you," Ella dismissed her sister, giving her a large smile, before adjusting her outfit -- sparkly black trousers and a newspaper-pattern crop top that hugged her chest and stopped just above her belly button -- and hugging the taller blonde tightly, wishing her luck.

Taylor still looked unsure, as she hesitantly began to head towards her manager, and out of the dressing room. However, with Ella's reassurance and promises to be out in a few minutes, she ended up exiting the dressing room and heading towards behind the stage, where her cleaning cart royal carriage would be waiting.

On the contrary, everything was not fine. Ella let out a sigh of relief as she was finally alone in the dressing room. It was only a matter of minutes before a few of the security officers would be en route to escort her to their tent, so she needed to calm down and think of a plan, quickly.

Get it together, Swift. Ella thought to herself as she sipped her water, feeling the cool liquid trickle down her dry throat. Seeing Selena was inevitable. After all, not only was she Taylor's friend, but after all these years, she was family. It's not that Ella didn't want to see her, it's that she knew that seeing her would cause more questions and concerns to arise. Questions that she didn't want to answer. Concerns that she didn't have answers to. Ella knew that she looked different from the last time Selena saw her and while she had most people fooled, she knew that Selena would be one of the few people that would be more difficult to manipulate. While her time with Taylor had plateaued her diet journey, the younger girl was certainly not allowing it to hinder it. That meant that while she hadn't necessarily lost a ton of weight, she definitely had not gained any weight, which was good news to her, but bad news in that Selena would of course, notice.

After having devised a hasty plan, Ella picked up her access lanyard and phone, unlocking it to see a few texts from Abigail. Of course. The blonde sighed heavily, not in the mood to deal with the older woman, as she formulated a short text along with a picture of her breakfast and lunch, most of which ended up in the trash can. But again, Abby did not need to know that. After she slipped her phone in the pocket of her trousers and adjusting the braid in her hair, Ella grabbed her water bottle and walked out of the room, where the trio of security, along with Taylor's tour manager, were waiting to walk her out.

Show time.

Per usual, Ella's presence at the show wreaked havoc amongst the fans as she was approached and surrounded on her short walk to the tent. While the security did their best to create a perimeter around the teenager, that did not stop the fans from pushing through and attempting to speak to, touch, give something to, or take a picture with the youngest Swift sibling.

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