christmas tree farm: a holiday special

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in my heart is a christmas tree farm

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Surprise! Bonus holiday chapter! A thank-you for always reading!

Note: This is a standalone chapter that does not follow the consecutive timeline depicted throughout this story. This bonus chapter takes place prior to the start of this story.

December, 2015


Taylor grumbled in her sleep as she pulled her comforter over her head trying to stop the incessant noise coming from somewhere


The newly-minted 26-year old readjusted herself on her mattress, finally sitting up and looking around her room at her parents' home, where she had chosen to spend the night to celebrate Christmas the following morning. She was regretting it now. 


"What? " Taylor snapped at the person on the other side of the door who was responsible for the restless knocking and her lack of sleep.


 . . . Knock. 

"Tayli? It's me, Ella. I'm sorry," Taylor heard a tiny voice sound from outside the wooden door and immediately, her annoyance melted as she rushed to the door to allow her sister in her room.

"Little bean, I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was you! Come in, El," Taylor grabbed the eight-year-old's arm as she gently guided her inside her bedroom and shut the door, trying to whisper to avoid waking their parents.

"Did I wake you up?" Ella asked, feeling guilty as she looked at her sister. While Ella was dressed and ready for a photo-op, in a reindeer onesie that matched her siblings and brushed hair, her sister looked the complete opposite. Taylor, who had very obviously just woken up, was wearing an old t-shirt and fuzzy pants. Her onesie was draped on top of the dresser and her hair was disheveled as she met Ella's gaze, smiling at her.

"It's alright, kiddo. I'm up now," Taylor answered, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she walked back to her bed and hopped on. Ella followed suit, jumping right next to her and hugging her tightly.

"What was that for?" Taylor laughed as she reciprocated the kind gesture. Ella just shrugged as she kept hugging her before finally letting go.

"Can we go see if Santa came yet? Please, Tay?" Ella asked, her blue-eyes wide as she looked at Taylor with a hopeful expression. At nearly nine years old, Ella was starting to question many things, one of them being Santa Claus. Her parents and siblings had done a fantastic job keeping the magic alive and Taylor wanted to keep it going as long as she could. While some of her friends at school claimed he was fake, Ella had a hard time believing them. After all, who else would bring her all of those presents?

"I don't know, El. It's still pretty early. What if we go in an hour?" Taylor glanced at her phone on the nightstand, the time reading a quarter to five. 

"Please, Tay. Pretty please? I can't wait any longer!" Ella practically begged, throwing herself on her big sister as she smiled sheepishly at her, knowing the older of the two could not refuse. 

"Okay, fine. Let's go, buddy!" In a swift motion, Taylor stood up from the bed and picked Ella up with her as she cradled her sister, bridal style.

"Tay! Put me down!" Ella laughed loudly while trying to free herself from Taylor's strong grip.

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