But I like you Pt one

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Erica's POV

Of course Ben falls for the new girl. I'm not jealous at all but Zoe keeps confronting me that I am. Alright she may be good at stuff but I still beat her to the best spy race. Well since its her first day here maybe I should just confront her skills and show Ben I'm better. Oh uh I mean to show my domanince yeah. I went back to my Poisons and Antidotes homework waiting for the drama to come. Man I do sound like Zoe right now. Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it wanting to see Ben but of course with my luck it was the new kid Lily. I gave her a cold glare that made her shiver.

"Why are you here and how state your buisness or else." I said in a menacing voice.

She was buying it which was great because she was stupid to even step foot here. She looked around my room in awe. Then I pulled her into my room not letting my grip letting go of her wrist. Then Ben's head peeked around the door frame and closed the door for me. "I'm sorry for asking but can you please help me with my homework?" Lily said gingerly. "Of course you come in my room for suicide did you?" I asked still coldly. She winced at the last three words.

"Alright Erica I'm sorry for coming in let's get that straight and also Ben told me to go in for the help." I rolled my eyes at this remark. "And you believed him?" I said making my grip on her wrist firmer. Lily nodded. "Do not come into my room ever even if Ripley tells you." She looked at me cirously. "But isn't he your boyfriend?" That question took me so off guard that I blushed in the proscess. Lily started laughing. "Wow you believe that hoax he's mine girl"

I glared at her and pushed her out my dorm. She ran out and started talking to Ben and Mike. I quickly closed the door and sat in a corner. I sat down and put my arms over my knees and buried my head in my legs. Did he really like her? Or does he still like me. Ugh I wish I didn't have emotions.

Time skip because you know it

Ben's POV

Oh man I was hungry even if the cafeteria food is trash I will eat anything. I stole a plate of spegetti and sat at the crew's table. I dug into it still respecting my manners of couse.

"Man your actually eating that trash?" Mike said sliding into a seat in front of me.

I smirked and nodded. He snickered and smiled back. Lily sat in the seat next to Mike and looked at me lovingly. I frowned at her and she blushed. I rolled my eyes but the timing was so bad because when Erica came in I did this. She looked hurt by my gesture. I looked down and quietly scolded myself. She sat alone in her table but she looked more hurt and distant then ever. I felt really bad so I stood up and ran to her table. Lily then blocked my path making me slam into her. Then she kissed me on the lips. Everyone looked at me in shock. Erica just bursted out of the cafeteria. I wanted to punch Lily so bad. I refrained myself and jumped up running through the hallways trying to find her. "

It's all my fault if I predicted that I would have been okay but of course Erica is always right I am a bad spy she's always right." I barely choked out. I really wanted to disenfect my lips.

I saw her dorm door and I heard someone crying. I sighed. I really hate myself for doing this. I had to make it up to her. "I'm sorry Erica." I said outside her door. I leaned on it. "I already know you like her so why bother." She said in a emotionless voice. Those words hurt a lot even though I didn't know why. "Your just like Joshua" She snarled. Those words hit me like a bullet. I walked into her room to see her curled up into a ball leaning right up against the corner. I closed the door and sat next to Erica. Her blue eyes piercing mine. Although she didn't show most of her face and was crying she was really pretty. She still looked a bit shook and was shaking so instinctivly I put an arm around her. She didn't recoil but actually relaxed to the touch. "I'm really sorry Erica I should have seen Lily and shouldn't have let her do that. That was insensitive of me." I said still scolding myself for what Lily did. She scooted closer to me and tilted her head.

"Really? Your blaming yourself for what your girlfriend did?" Now it was my turn to be confused.

"She's not my girlfriend and I don't even like her when she kissed me I really wanted to disenfect my lips after that." I said grimacing. "You know that I like you a million times more than that kid right?" She leaned into me flustered. I could see her blushing and I knew I was too.

"Yeah sure Ben" She smirked. "Alright then since we got that settled let's go thwart her since ya know she's in SPYDER and all." I said while flailing my arms around with a document. She nodded and took the papers.

"I'm sorry too, Ben you are not like Joshua at all actually your always going to be better than him." I felt so warm inside seeing her say these words was like an antidote to all the poison in my brain.

977 words except this thank you for reading even if this was short I promise that the next one is going to be expentionally longer than this thank you again. Oh and also this is not a note this is a chapter just in case you don't know. Also thank you for 69 views 🤨

-That one kid 78

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