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This is the song I listened to and I think it fits the vibe

I was falling down at a fast pace, my hair flailing in every direction. I was scared? Yes, and since my parachute wasn't working, I didn't know what to do. I was frozen. Erica was yelling at me, but I couldn't hear her yells. All I could hear was the wind flapping. Joshua was in the helicopter above me, trying to get his parachute on, but when he saw me falling, a red thing was coming closer and closer. Then, I felt a wave of heat and a lot of pain all over my body. The last words I heard were Erica's soft voice that was close to tears. What did she say? I'm not sure, but when I passed out, I knew that she was with me, and that was all I needed.

3 weeks later.

I woke up seeing IV tubes stuck in random places of my arm. Pain was surging through my brain as the bright lights hit my eyes. I saw two people in the room, a doctor and a nurse, checking my heartbeat. They looked over to me. "He's alive the thing worked! We'll be rolling in cash the next time we get our paycheck!" The male whooped. The nurse shook her head in disappointment and looked straight into my eyes. "Are you okay, sweetie?" She said as her soft voice soothed me. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. "Jack give him some time he's on the way to recovering, but while that's happening, call the people that bring him here they'll probably be relieved he's alive." 

The male or Jack nodded and put a number into his phone. I looked at the number once, but no matter how many times I looked back and forth, I couldn't remember it, not one digit. Jack went outside to take the call, which left me and the nurse. I closed my eyes and felt my throat cry in pain every time I swallowed my saliva. I needed water badly, but the problem was that no matter how hard I tried, the words would not come out of my mouth. After a few minutes, the doctor came back into the room looking at something on his phone. "They said they'll come" The nurse sighed and poured a glass of water in front of me. Meanies.

I pointed to it, and she just ignored me and made dreamy faces to the doctor. Now my throat was dying, and I couldn't do anything about it. Great. A knock was heard, and the nurse opened the door. I saw a hot, blue-eyed girl, a green eyed girl, and a boy. There were also two adults, and all of them looked at me. I tilted my head in confusion. All of them walked over to me. "Can you talk?" The blue-eyed girl asked. I shook my head and pointed to my mouth. She gave the medical staff a dirty look and handed me a bottle of water. I thanked the girl and chugged it down. "So uh Ben you feeling aight?" The guy questioned me. Who's Ben? I cleared my throat. "I guess but who are you?" He looked at me in shock, and the green eyed girl put a hand on his arm. He blushed and looked straight at me. "I'm Mike, your best friend, remember?" I looked at him thoughtfully. A life flashed between my eyes, and I felt a surge of pain, then a soft hand on my arm. I opened my eyes and hugged the figure next to me (Erica) her eyes widened. I lay back down. I knew I had a big grin on my face, but I didn't care that it was the best 4.93 seconds in my life. (No cap) Wait, how did I calculate the certain amount of seconds? I awoke from my trance when Mike waved a hand in my face. "Well we must be going come on Ben" the older lady said. The doctor stopped them. "I'm sorry, but he has to stay here. we have to run a bit more tests." The blue-eyed girl glared at him. "We are CIA. You have no say in our actions" Jack deflated. I just looked back and forth between them. "So how are you going to get him out of the bed?" The nurse asked. Mike looked at me and grinned. "He's the toughest person I know he can get through this way better than how you dealed with your school debt" The two staff members shut up at that. I sat up and saw all the gauze wrapped along my abdomen. 

The blue-eyed girl girimaced at the sight. Mike was getting hyped up. "I'll carry him. Let's go kids" the suave and debonair looking man said. The other people nodded as he carried me his arms on my stomach. We walked to a white van. He laid me next to the blue-eyed girl. I sat up, but then I probably slept right after 2 minutes. I also felt a warm body next to mine. I knew I was grinning on the outside, but on the inside, I was really happy. I wrapped my arms on the figure as I slept.

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