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(Ben's POV)I couldn't believe what Lily did to me it was not functioning in my brain that Mike died. Erica was trying to calm me. The tears kept coming. All I remember is a big white flash, and then many students died, including Mike. I just couldn't understand why she did this or why SPYDER did this. I knew Lily already fled the premises, but I kept wanting to follow her to she where this goes, but of course, she was the one I hated with the burning of 1000 white hot suns. "It's going to be okay, Ben. I promise that we will get that disgusting kid and those traitors promised." Which was all I heard until I passed out in Erica's arms as all the pain in my body going to my head. Now you may ask how Ben got like this. Well, it all started like this.

(Flash back)

"Really? I would have never guessed that Lily was traitor." Mike whispered in our group meeting. Zoe nodded, signaling that she agreed. "Well it happened, so get over it Mike" said Erica coldly. Mike pouted, and I grinned. "What about another mission mike you'd love that, I think." Mike just frowned. "If you had a crush on her, you are so bad man" I sighed. Mike just playfully slapped my shoulder. "I'm up for it" Jawa beamed. Chip smiled even more. "What's the plan smokescreen?" I thought a little bit. "Well in these so bad hidden documents, it said that they would bomb the idiot's office, but we all know that it's not true. They are probably going to bomb the cafeteria, seeing that they put the amount of seconds it would be for lunchtime." Erica nodded and loaded a grapple. "What is that for?" Mike asked, beating me to it. "Well they need to be a place where the bomb is, so looking everywhere is the only way, is it not?" She asked, questioning us. I shrugged and shook it off. Chip carried me up, and Mike laughed at me. "What are you doing, Chip?" I said as coldly as I could. He chuckled and said "Erica told me you have to be safe, so the only place you could be is in the box." I gasped and shot Erica, and why did you do this look. She shot me a don't question it glare. But I'm important. Exactly, so stay safe. Bye, Ben. She looked down and stopped the conversation. I pouted and relaxed in Chip's big arms. I got pushed in the box and landed on my bum. Aghh, I hate this place. After Chip left, it felt so lonely without anyone. I picked up a book and started reading it. 

After about an hour I heard some rustling. I went into a fighting stance. I sniffed the air, catching a whiff of gunpower and lilacs. I heaved a sigh and smiled. "Erica?" I exclaimed, waiting for an answer. A hand went over my mouth. "Be quiet Ben they can't know you're here." said a voice that was certainly Erica's. I beamed at her, then turned into confusion. She sat cross-legged on a chair as she raised an eyebrow at me. (Ngl, she looked hot. "[Author note I hated this scene so much that you are lucky I did the Ngl she was hot] "Why are you here exactly?" She rolled her eyes. "Why do you think Ben." She said with no remorse. "I uh to protect me. I guess." I muttered. She nodded and smiled. Then her face twisted into concern. I ran to her side, wishing that I wasn't going to die. "Hellooooo Ben. Hi, hot stuff." Murray, ugh. Erica also seemed annoyed. "What do you want, Hill?" She said with almost no emotion. She was now holding my hand, and I was kinda happy that she was. "Oh I don't want you, Hale. I need Ben to do some problems for me." He said, ariving from the shadows. His face looked werid, but I couldn't put a finger on it. Oh, there were some kiss marks, disgusting probably from Ashley or Lily. "Um for what exactly." He looked fuming. "What do you think, idiot?" he retorted. "Says him" Erica muttered so quietly that I almost couldn't hear her.

Then, a girl with blue eyes and raven black hair that looked like Erica's came out of the shadows. Erica gasped. "Hey Erica, remember me, your cousin?" She said, smiling. "Frick you Charlotte" Erica hissed. I looked back and forth from them, gasping every time I saw Charlotte. She pounced at me, which Erica tackled me to dodge it. Her breath was hot on my neck. Murray fumed even more. Then, a misslie headed toward Erica and I. Erica once again tried to dodge, taking me with her, but this time it was too late. I got hit on the arm. I yelped in pain. Joshua smiled and chuckled "Looks like little Benny boy is hurt wanna call the wambulence?" Erica glared at them. While they were laughing, we got into a vent and left the box. Inside, I heard Joshua say "Alright since he's gone and we don't have enough time to track him down, let's just use the calculator app" He said, wheezing at the last two words. "Well lets see how he feels if his best friend is dead" Charlotte snided. I faltered from the pain of her words and, of course, my arm. Erica looked at me and helped me up as gentle as she could. She gave me a weak smile as I got up. When we got to her room, she quickly shoved me in, and she followed quickly after. She closed the door, triple bolted it, and sat next to me. She seemed tired and I could get it everything just happened so fast and the time was approaching dinner time.

"Are you okay, Ben?" She said, holding my arm softly to look at it. "Yeah I'll survive because you're here with me." Although I wanted to say this, I had to make it more realistic. "Although I'm in pain, you make it less painful" I said, stuttering. Erica took my gaze and smiled. "Alright then, want ice?" 1044 words except for this damn whoever is reading this trash should get an award thank you my friends tomorow I will get part 3 Peace ;] -That one kid 78

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