A little story for you kids

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(Ben's POV)

Ahh, the most cheery time of the year, Chirstmas, although back then, I would celebrate with my family. I now had friends and Erica, so that was up. Yes, I love my family, but it is kinda hard to keep up with how many are pumped out each year, so that's in it for it's self. Oh, and also I get to spend more time with Erica, which is the best I can use my time. I was sitting on my bed, contemplating if I should get up. Then I heard a knock. "AY MAN OPEN THE DOOR" Mike, cool he's fine, I guess. I rolled my eyes and quickly opened the door to see him in an ugly sweater. He looked disgusting but still was alright. He had a package in his hand. Probably for Secret santa. I had Erica because everyone wanted me to. What did I get her? Well, um, I got something cringy, so please keep your socks on. It's a ring. Yes, I'm going to do it, so shut up. 

"Uh man, earth to you" I woke up from my dazed state and smiled at him. "What time is it, my friend?" I said in the most monotone voice. He did a sussy smile and whispered in my ear "Time for presents, Mr. BEN" He screamed in my ear. I felt deaf after that. It's fine though I think please don't call a doctor I'm FINE. I took the tiny black box and stuffed it in my pocket. "Uh bro wear a freaking suit." I shot him a look. "Alright but if this goes wrong because of this, I will kill you" He ducked out of view and slamed the door. Damn I will get him one of these days. I walked out and looked like a deasceased penquin. I ran into Mike's room, still looking like a penguin and waddling like one. "Heeey there's Mr. Ripley" said Chip giving me a quick hug. He put an arm around me and said "If you're going to do it, set it up. Erica's coming soon." {#CHEN moment and no I don't ship this shut up reader} Everyone nodded. "I can't believe that my best friend is 20 and not a kid anymore hashtag kids grow fast" Zoe said while leaning on Mike. "GUYS SHE'S COMING" Trixie texted us. All of us took our spots around the weird rug Mike bought and smiled at me. "Go get'em tiger." Mike patted my back. 

Erica went into the room with Trixie hot on her tail. She looked great even though she just wore what she always wore a black spy suit, eh whatever. Which made me wonder what she wore in the night time would I have to wear that too? Ugh, dirty thoughts, please stop. { This Part is for Jayden} "She looked at me up and down, becoming more confused by the second. "Why are you wearing a suit Ben" She asked while fixing my tie. "I uh have to go to a party soon yeah" I stuttered. She rolled her eyes and took my gaze for a second. "Um I just wanted to feel festive, so dressing up like your dad would make me feel that way." Erica snickered and brushed my shoulders for any dust. "Well you look good, and that's my only comment for today. Now you guys can resume." The others sighed.

"Alright my turn first!" Exclaimed Mike. He gave Zoe a wrapped present, and she gave him his. They both opened it and smiled at each other. "How did you know I liked legos, Babe?" I cringed at his choice of words still thinking of how much of a child Mike was. "Well Ben told me" Zoe said. Mike gave me a thankful gaze. I just gave him a two finger salute. "Oh and Mike, how did you know I liked type writers?" He smiled "It's my job to know things. I'm a spy, for gods sake." Erica glared at him. "Dont you dare Brenenski." Then Chip and Jawa exchanged. Of course, Jawa being Jawa brought a gift for Trixie. Chip got a bag of chips, which he hated. Jawa got a plasma rifle, and Trixie got a box of chocolates. Seems like someone wants the mistletoe. Me nah, I'm just kidding, maybe. Then it was me and Erica's turn. TO be totally brutally honest with you, I was nervous out of my mind, but I had to do or I would regret it forever, and I chickned out.

No, really.

I'm not kidding.

Stop scrolling.

Fine here it is, bossy man.

I also proposed one knee waiting for the response. "Wow this is way better than what I got you, Ben. Look, it's a fish" She said while she showed me the cat toy. "I always knew you were the funny one." I said while smiling. "And of course Ben" I slipped the silver ring with a blue diamond on her fourth finger. She smiled. Mike then put mistletoe over our heads. You know what happens next, and I wanted to say something. Thank you so much for reading this. I will try to upload every day, but I'm human, I think, so I'll probably burn out. I'm just saying my back hurts so much after this, and again, thanks for your support. Also, this story is dedicated to Jayden. Every chapter is dedicated to someone either. It's a writer I like or a reader like you. I'll keep doing this to keep people happy, thank you - THAT ONE KID SIGNS OUT FOR THE DAY

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