An old oneshot that I hate but still want to upload.

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BURN THE BRIdGe also my friend wrote this and he has no talent but wanted to write one so yeah.

I'm depressed like a lot. It's been two months without any human contact from Erica. She was the love of my life and she possibly rejected me. I was sitting in a restaurant squished next to Jawa and Chip right where I wanted to be totally. Everyone but me was conversing. I was slumped next to a plush diner chair. I was looking at the menu denying any source of eye contact. Damn I was the old Erica cold and distant as if I wasn't even there. Also a quick recap during those months I tried harder than before and I got better, way better. It was like Erica said three months ago relationships are not useful in the spying business. I ordered my omelet and looked over to Erica and Mike talking. I never knew if I'd make the cut with her becuase she's not in my league. The first time Mike came I thought he'd won her over and it wasn't true back then but it may be true now. I sighed. Erica looked at me curiously and grinned. I winced and turned my back at her. She seemed sad that I did this and whispered to everyone else "what's with smokescren?"  

Chip replied to her saying "Erica you have been refusing to talk to him for over two months so of course he's depressed. I mean it's not your fault but he might think that Mike's with you and since he luuuves you Ben's probably jelly." I blushed knowing it was slightly true. Mike then spoke up "Ben if this is the case why did you not say anything?" I looked over at the group desperate faces all turning at me. I opened my mouth but nothing came out, it was like I had forgotten how to talk. Then our food came I thought it would distract them from the topic but all of them still was looking at me. I took a deep breath in and actually said something to Erica and everyone else for the first time in two months. "Well Mike and Chip I have nothing to tell you and if I did I would have said otherwise and also Mike there's a fly approaching your plate at 1.28 miles per hour." Mike swatted the fly and Erica shot a worried glance at me. I took a bite of my omelet and chewed, this was going to be a long day. After I said that everyone started whispering so quietly that I could not hear them. 

When we went outside Erica tackled me. I went to fighting position and blocked all her punches. She then stopped knowing it was a stupid idea to do more. I looked at my arms they were a couple of bruises but I brushed them off. We loaded in the tiny humvee and Erica called me to the shotgun seat. She was driving of course and I showed the littlest amount of excitement while I sat. Although I had dark circles around my eyes I was unscathed actually even better then before. I grew a lot from what I was. I mean I was six feet tall and had some sort of muscle. Then Erica snapped me out of my thoughts. Man I had not gotten a good look at her for two whole months I tried to look how much she changed but I refrained myself becuase I would in the end look like a pervert. Erica started driving I was quite used to her reckless driving but on speed bumps I yelped with fear. Everything was smooth sailing becuase no one said anything. It was tranquil and peaceful unlike my mind. Then Erica asked me "what's with you Mr. Grumpy pants" I smiled internally she really changed her personality from cold to coldish. She recently became more icey becuase of me. I replied with a cool tone "Nothing" I looked into her blue eyes. She probably knew that I was lieing but she said nothing absolutely nothing. I tried to not frown but I did. She noticed this and put her hand on my shoulder. Everyone was looking at us and some were even crying. She then looked right into my eyes on a stop sign and said "I know that your sad and all but you know you shouldn't be I want to help you and if I've already burned your bridge then I'm sorry if I can't help you then." She stopped and choked out the words "I hope you find a better life than this one"

I was shocked it was the most emotion I have felt in the past months. "Why would I leave this life?" I asked coolly. "Because you literally probably hate us for not talking to you and I don't know not doing anything with you." Jawa said calmly. "But why give me more reasons." Everyone looked at me in confusion. Even though we were at the destination we stayed in the car. "There is a reason I didn't do suicide even if you guys thought I was going to. If I hadn't had this life what would I be possibly a stupid need at high school probably. You know guys it's not like it's your fault I have lost my touch. Actually it's my fault I'm sorry." I grinned at everyone's shocked faces. I then said "you guys didn't burn my bridge you made a new one." We went out side of the humvee and ran to the dorms. I had a grin plastered on my face. Some random kids saw me and was whispering things like that was Ben the kid that saved America. The group then started chasing after me when they regained consioness. They followed me into my room while I was eating a energy bar. "Ben what the heck was that" Mike said when he was pulling me into a brotherly hug. I looked at Erica and she was looking at me she smiled. My whole body felt warm. Chip then said "looks like Smoke screen still has the hots for Erica." He snickered. Zoe smiled and mouthed Berica. Erica walked closer to me and then I whispered into her ear "looks like friendships aren't a liability anymore eh?" She put her hand on mine and I felt at home aka the place I needed to be. 

Then I compensated should I leave SPYDER? 


hope ya liked it I know it was bad sorry :/

No part two lol

Please forgive me for this hot trash.

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