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Edited by Ayden Thank you!

Today was Erica's graduation. The thing I wanted to delay for so long but I couldn't. Because no matter how much I begged and pleaded with the higher-ups they all said to me: "Erica helped you too much. You have to live with it." I was broken to the amount that I wanted to just stay in my room and not even wish goodbye. 

But then, a knock resonated from the thin door of my dorm room. My eyes darted to the door as I grudgingly walked over to open. The slumped position was in changed in a millisecond as I saw the person that was standing in front of me. It was Erica beaming brightly. She looked so elated while I was practically dying at the thought of her going away. When I closed the door her smile flipped into a frown. "What's up?" I asked her, faking enthusiasm. She glared at me her ice blue eyes piercing through mine. "I know you're faking it Ben. So just be your real self right now." Erica stated in a pleading tone. I didn't get why she used this specfic tone but she was. Erica sat on the corner of my bed and I did too. "I'm just sad that your leaving," I confessed, feeling guilty of it. 

She put one of her warm hands on my cheek. "You're going to fine without me. I promise." She paused as I felt my cheeks warm up. "When I'm gone, I'll still be there for you no matter what." I smiled and remembered how she said this before. 

But suddenly, as if she were just in my imagination, she was gone. She had slipped out of my room leaving me and my thoughts by ourselves. Although I wanted to go to the graduation my body wasn't cooperating with my thoughts. You can do this, the thought faintly echoed in my head.

My legs used all their power to run all the way to the quadrangle where the graduation was being held. I was glad to be on time and sat in between Mike and Zoe. Erica was no where to be seen although I could see the rest of the Hale family sitting next to the stage. They seemed really excited and happy. Mike was just twirling his fingers around waiting for it to start. 

 "Now for the best spy in the school, Erica Hale!" The president exclaimed through the microphone. Everyone started clapping wildly as she appeared on stage. Erica emerged with a wide smile, although I think that smile was targeted to me. She started her speech but I couldn't hear it. Either she was speaking really quietly or I blurred it out. When she ended the seemingly protracted speech, I exited the quad in a matter of seconds. I stood on the soft grass moping that Erica left. Then I heard a flurry of footsteps behind me. Mike was running to me. 

"Hey Ben why did you leave?" He panted. 

"I just can't she's leaving right? I might never ever see her again" He put a hand on my shoulder.

"There is no way my best friend is quitting just like that. Don't you remember the times you had with her? Come on you can't give up now right?" I looked into his twinkling eyes.

"You're right." I left him running to Erica who was at the gates with her family. Initially, Erica seemed solemn that I wasn't there but when she saw me, her eyes lit up. I engulfed her with a big hug, not caring that Cyrus was sending me daggers of death glares. I felt on the verge of tears. 

 "I'll miss you"

"So will I, Ripley."She turned to her family who was going into their car. Erica gave me a quick kiss on my right cheek and ran over to the car. I had a grin plastered on my face even if she was leaving I knew she would always remember me no matter what. Mike put an arm around my shoulders as she drove off. 

"That was easy wasn't it? You'll see her in the future defiently I believe in your relationship. You did great bud." I knew I was crying but my future was bright and I love life.

*Ten years later*

(A/N They are 25-27 I think so yeah)

Like always, I was assigned to go on a mission. A good ol' reconnaissance/spying operation on the bad guys, something that I've always been doing. However, this was different. Because I'd be going on the new mission with the highly-praised Erica Hale. I may be a little disappointed that it wasn't romantic, but it was nice that I was going to get to see her again, especially since her graduation.(10 years?! Damn Ben's a simp) 

I was in front of the CIA building waiting for Erica to come out and let me in. I saw her come out of the door. She used her hand to signal to get in. I ran over and entered. As always when I sniffed the air I could pin point the scent of lilacs and gunpower.

 "So how have you been?" I asked politely wanting some sort of comunication.

"Fine although all the missions I've been on was kind of boring."


"Because you weren't there" She blushed a bit and I did too.

"The Erica Hale missing someone? Dang you have changed." I said with a teasing tone. She playfully nudged my shoulder. After a minute of silence we came to the office of the new CIA director Ace Lee. 

"Ah my two favorite spies, ready for a misson?" He said spinning on his chair. "Boys give them the folders"

 Two agents gave us yellow folders. I read a little bit and saw the names of Mike and Zoe."We need to get the crew back together for this mission of the century. You guys up for it?""Bet." I said grinning at him. He gave me a thumbs up and explained the mission to us. "Let's go defeat SPYDER!" Ace whooped. (IK they alreadly did but just pretend Murray is not a one man guy.)

We nodded and walked out of his office.

New mission huh that'll be fun.

 (Why did that sound like a movie trailer? Um hire me universal.)

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