The talk (Berica)

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So, um, this is my repensentation of the talk at the end of SSAS, so yea LETS  GOOOOOOOOO

(Ben's POV)

I was watching Alexander get heavily destroyed in foosball against Mike. It was hurtful to watch, and of course, Alexander's ego was crashing every time Mike scored.

"How's Catherine?" I asked.

"She's fine, and her leg is healing rapidly," Alexander replied.

"Really? That's nice to hear, " Mike said encouragingly as he scored another goal.

I paced along the Shang's room as I tried to find something to do. Erica was outside, and I didn't want to go because she might kill me for giving her family secrect to Trixie. Sure, my gut was telling me to go and have your last moments with her killing me, but I can't let that happen. I took a seafood plate and stress ate because of how I might see my last moments on Earth tomorrow. 

"Hey, uh Ben, can you come out here?" Erica called for me as she opened the glass door.

Great, just great. My moments on Earth are finally at an end. I walked over to the door, shutting it behind me, and blocked any noise from the foosball game, which was kinda getting on my nerves so that was the only good thing that was coming for me. Wow, I am getting depressed already. (LOL)


"If this is about Trixie and what not, can you please wait until tomorrow?" I pleaded, almost getting to the point that I would have to go on my knees.

Erica turned to me and gave me a slight smile.

"No, it's not about that, I promise," She said in a soft tone. Weird.

"Then what is it about?" I said while looking straight into her bright blue eyes.

"Us," She then broke the contact, leaving me with a one word answer that made me completely soften. I walked over to the nose of the ship where Erica was and stood right beside her.

"I'm really sorry for always making mistakes like how I messed up that Murray wasn't at the luxuirous suites and -"

"You're not the only one." She said solmnly.

I was so caught up in my rant that I didn't even notice what she said.

"Wait, what?" I asked, trying to mask the suprise on my face.

She snickered at my suprise and went on.

"You're not the only one that made mistakes on this mission I did, too." The last three words she seemed like she was about to die by saying it, but she did.

"B-b-but you don't make mistakes."

"I thought I didn't but like everyone else and you I make mistakes I just never had the idea that I did" This made her a bit more vulnerable and I had never had someone talk to me about such emotional things. It's probably because no one liked me back in middle school. I didn't know what to say I just stared at her in shock. 

"One other mistake is that I didn't give relationships a chance and with you I guess melting me like Zoe says maybe we can be a thing."

Oh my god did she just say that am I dreaming?

"Mike and Trixie are dating right?"

I shook my head. "I don't think so right now they are just texting but they are calling eachother 'Snuggle bunny'"

She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "If you call me any of those names I will forcefully kill you"

Even with the threat I had a big smile. 

"So are we a thing or what?"

"I guess" 

Then I pulled her in for a kiss as the fireworks went off.


I know this may be bad but hey it's the best moment in spy school history so cut me some slack.

This is the last week put in your questions for Ben and Erica cuz it's going to get spicy.

I think I'll upload another chapter today but for now

Kidd out ✌️

"Hey why couldn't you describe it better?" Mike

"NO you are so disgusting" Me

"How do you know about this?" Erica

"I uh Ben lets move to Russia" me

"Nah I'm chill mate it's just you" Ben

"When did you get an Austrailian accent?" Erica

"I don't know" Ben

"I got the tickets let's go Mike!" Me

"Bet" Mike

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