July 4th (ZIKE)

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Edited by the one and only  

Oh and Ayden feel free to put notes and change the story however you like! Thank you so much for doing this 🫰

Mike's POV

It was July 4th, the day everyone celebrated America's gift of independence, and today was also the day of the party Alexander and Catherine set up for all our troubles of the country. I was super excited for the party, so I went to Ben's dorm to talk to him and blow some steam off the thrill. Upon entering his dorm room, I saw Erica and Ben already making plans. Presumable about what to do about SPYDER's antics. I don't recall this as a fun time with your girlfriend, but they seemed like they were having fun, I guess. 

"Um...guys what if SPYDER doesn't make a move on us and just forfeited?" I suggested. 

They both turned to me in unison. 

"Mike, you know it's always better to plan ahead of time," Erica responded, sounding a bit annoyed.

 I furrowed my eyebrows. "But it's a day off. You guys could just, like, do something else?" 

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Mike your point of view is your opinion, but in reality, using the time that we have available is better than finding out SPYDER has a new plan. No one has any idea what's to come."

 I acknowledged this by rolling my eyes. "This is why I don't like being friends with a nerd," I muttered under my breath.

"At least I can cook better than you!" Ben snapped back, the argument very blind and random, as I walked out of the dorm.

Conveniently, I then got a text from Zoe: "Meet me in the library". I ran to the room, expecting to have a better, more entertaining time than with Ben and Erica. When I entered the library, I soon found Zoe sitting at a table reading a book, her big green eyes darting all over the pages to import the information in her brain... probably.

"Hey Mike," she greeted, giving me a subtle wave. I sat down next to her, leaning over to Zoe's shoulder to see what she was reading. "Are you excited for the party?" I asked, keeping my voice down so no one could hear us. "Of course I am" She said, her green eyes shining even more. 

Erica and Ben came in with everyone looking at them like celebrities. They sat in our table and talked deep in conversation. Ben walked over to a shelf and took a book out, although I couldn't pinpoint what the title was. Ben waved at me. Zoe just looked at them in a state of awe like she was a fan of them ,too. He sat back down and read a sentence in disgust. 

"Did you know that these missles can be used to destroy everything and anything in the way?" He asked with a wholesome face to Erica. She just smiled. "Sure I didn't know the most straight foward fact there is like wow" She said with mock suprise. 

"Hey are you guys coming to the party?" Zoe asked. Erica face palmed and pointed to the crowd that was growing a bit bigger and bigger by the second. Everyone was ecstatic to hear any mention of a party with the school celebrities. Zoe deflated and led everyone to a private place (aka her dorm with ten locks). Ben seemed a bit on edge on what happened, but he seemed more fixed on making his hair more straight. He gave up after five minutes.

Since everyone was outside and the walls were paper thin, we had to be super quiet even for the quiet kid. This task would be pretty hard. 

"Fireworks" Zoe whispered. Ben tilted his head in confusion. 

"What do you mean?" Zoe pulled out her laptop and searched something so fast that her fingers were a blur. On the screen, there were fireworks, not any specific ones but just the most generic brands. Erica scoffed "We have exposive material in the lab. There's no difference if we blow that up."

 Zoe turned at her with an emotionless face. "Come on, stop being a borer. Let us have some fun once in a while." Ben looked at her expentantly. Erica shrugged and nodded. Ben then told us the best fireworks concerning their statitics and stuff like that Zoe looked like she was importing every single word into her brain while Erica was just looking at Zoe's posters of celebrities in disgust 

Ben was still boring on so I stopped him with five words. "Stop being such a dag" 

He snickered and came me a great reply. "I defo agree, and so that means I'm smarter than you." He said, wiggling his eyebrows

"Ben we had a talk about this." I snarled. 

"Yeah and I don't remember anything. Can you please repeat it for me?"

I glared at him as he went into a fighting stance and started putting bandages on his knuckles, which made him look more menacing than he usually was. Even I was scared of him and backed off.

He laughed a warn and friendly chuckle. "So seemed like that was my sign of domiance, huh?" He said in a mocking tone. I gave him a playful punch, which he blocked with his arm and raised his eyebrow. I melteed down and became red of how I looked so much like a bozo. Zoe just looked at us in awe, and Erica watched unamusingly.


I overheard Ben and Erica's conversation.

"Why don't they celebrate us like we've saved this country more times than you could count!" Ben pondered. Erica let out a whole hearted laugh. "Well what would the holiday be called? The day that children saved America?" Ben pouted, and then that pout switched up into a smile. "Never knew you were the funny one" He said while nudging her. 

"Okay Mr. I'm smooth." Ben put his hands on his hips. 

"Alright Miss. I'm funny" He said while clicking his tongue in disappointment. The whole Hale family (of course not with Cyrus but with Trixie) surprised them with a "You guys are so cute together" They sqieled. The gun that Erica had been twirling around was now in her hands, pointing to her family. 

"Sweetie you shouldn't be handling a gun so casually." She said while scolding Erica. She shrugged as Zoe turned to me. 

Zoe, who was sitting to me, smiled at me and said "They have such great chemistry, don't they?" her big green eyes piercing mine.

"yeah but our chemistry is better." As Ben and Erica turned to us, I pulled Zoe in for a kiss when the fireworks went off.

POV ben in the background "sorry i'm a anti-romantic" :,(

Thanks for reading heheh

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