3 - undress

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"Hey, noona, watch!"

You turned just in time to see Jungkook running full speed at the swimming pool, launching himself at it with an almighty splash as he forward flipped into the blue water. 

Namjoon rolled his eyes as Jungkook surfaced in the water, a satisifed bunny grin on his face as one tattoed arm came up to swipe raven hair from his eyes. 

"Sometimes I think that boy acts mentally five," he mused, though you could see the affection that Namjoon had for your youngest friend. 

"That's because he is mentally five," Yoongi corrected him, pulling his black cap down over his eyes a little further and scowling. Yoongi looked out of place here, and you knew he was out of his comfort zone at a pool party - but he had come to support Jungkook. The pair of them had been inseparable since the first day they'd met in a film studies lecture. 

The way Jungkook told it, he'd asked for a pen from Yoongi and the rest was history. The way Yoongi told it, Jungkook had taken the pen, drummed it against the desk for the entire lecture until Yoongi had had to yank it off him, and then Jungkook had pouted his puppy-dog eyes at him until he relented and gave it back. And then the rest was history. 

Either way, no one was able to deny the connection between your two friends. You grinned now as Yoongi left you and Namjoon, going to pull his overexcited boyfriend out of the pool.

It was a few days into your trip to Thailand. So far, you'd slept off the jetlag, and then pretty much been drinking ever since. Thankfully, the pool party today was being held at the hotel you and all the boys were staying in, and so there was no need to go anywhere except a few floors down from your rooms. 

Namjoon and you were stood to the side of the crowded pool, heads nodding to the pulsing music as you all sipped at cups of fruit punch in the blazing sun. You shifted a little, wishing you had brought a more comfortable and less revealing bikini as you tutted in frustration. 

"This damn thing won't sit straight," you muttered to Namjoon, using his tall frame to hide yourself as you pulled at the strap of your top. Though he was still young, he was already starting to fill out nicely, well over six foot tall and already easily able to carry you in one hand. It made him a great post to hide behind while you fixed your bikini.

"Does it matter? You look fine," he was saying now, sipping his fruit punch.

"Yah," you slapped his chest lightly as you finished adjusting your top. "I'm out here trying not to flash a nip, and you tell me I look fine?"

Namjoon looked down at you, meeting your eye. Then his eyes slid down further, raking over the bikini you were wearing in one very, very quick movement. 

"You look hot," he said, in a much lower, deeper voice. "Really fucking hot. Happy?"

When he finished his sentence, you could not respond. You were too caught up trying to analyse the loaded, unreadable look in his eyes, one you had never seen before on Namjoon. 

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now