17 - unholy [18+]

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When you finally fell asleep, it was out of pure exhaustion. 

After all, it had been a big day. First Taehyung, and then Nari calling Namjoon her appa - and then this.

Whatever this was.

And it hadn't ended with the pair of you pressed against the wall.

Eventually, after Namjoon had worn you out hours later, made you call out his name in unbearable pleasure on your knees and your stomach and, finally, on top of him, you had collapsed down into his arms, entirely worn out and lacking any energy or desire to move.  

Namjoon appeared to be similarly drained from the magnitude of the revelations the pair of you had come to tonight. "Sleep, angel," he murmured into your ear, his deep voice vibrating against you and making you shiver.

And sleep, you did.

It was during this sleep that you began to dream, the details fuzzy and vague, though you knew deep down that the other figure in your dream was Namjoon. He was grinning at you, a hand outstretched, and in the other hand he held the tiny fingers of your daughter, who was smiling wide and reaching out for you too. 

Something about the dream felt so correct. Like it was what you had been waiting your whole life for. 

Your heart burst with happiness, even in your dreaming state, as you reached out and took Namjoon's hand. 

And then the dream had shifted, changed somewhat, and now it had become much more... adult-rated than it was before.

You didn't know exactly what was going on, except that you were in a bed, and Namjoon was there, and you seemed to be replaying the best bits of the night before like a highlights reel, reliving every moment of pure pleasure as a deep, throbbing sensation began to pool between your thighs.

It had been a long time since you'd dreamt like this - and it was the first time you had ever dreamed of Namjoon this way. For a fleeting moment, you never wanted to wake up.

Except that suddenly you had that familiar sensation of waking up, of the dream slipping from you - and yet the feeling between your legs didn't disappear at all. You stirred, trying to make sense of it, when you heard someone speak.

"Someone," came a deep voice, and you had come to your senses enough to know it came from underneath the covers of the bed you were laying in, "was having a very naughty dream."

You grinned, feeling desire jolt through you as he placed a warm, steady kiss on your inner thigh. His soft hair was tickling the insides of your legs.

"Mm," you hummed, half in agreement and half in pleasure. He bit gently at your thigh, making you whine. 

"You didn't invite me," he complained teasingly, wrapping a strong arm around your leg and tugging it as he drew your core closer to his mouth. "It sounded like fun."

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now