12 - unicorns

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"Everything is going to go wrong," you wailed, your head in your hands. 

"No it's not," Jimin reassured you with a smile. "Look - we can turn these around, and then-"

"I'm a terrible mother," you proclaimed dramatically, cutting him off. "Terrible. I can't even give my daughter the birthday party she wants, Minie."

It was one year later.

One year since you had stood beside Namjoon in a courthouse and made a truly insane decision. One year since you had, technically, become Mrs. Kim. 

Not that you used his name anywhere except in legalilty; the students still called you by your maiden name, and you hadn't dared to try and explain the situation to Nari. You had only really told the Principal, who had stared at you in astonishment when you arrived at school the next morning and told him you were married. 

He seemed like he wanted to protest, but when you had threatened legal action (though you and he both know you didn't have the money for it) he had sighed and agreed. From that moment on, Nari was enrolled at the most prestigious school in the city.

And you were a married woman.

For you and Namjoon, though, nothing had changed. You were still best friends, and he still adored Nari, coming over to see her regularly or bringing her to see his mother. He was, you could tell, really beginning to advance in his career. His dream of being the youngest Senior Editor there was looking as though it might become true. And yet he never bailed on you, or Nari, or anyone. He kept his friends and loved ones close even as he got busier and busier at work. 

Life was good. You could barely believe that nearly a whole year had passed this way, and now, Nari was about to turn four.

Truthfully, Nari had been a nightmare about her fourth birthday. She had begun a phase of her life where she became entirely obsessed with things for months on end. For the last six months, that thing had been fluffy dogs. You suspected this was largely to do with Namjoon's dog Monie, an American Eskimo puppy who he had adopted recently when he moved to a larger apartment.

Nari was smitten with Monie - almost as smitten as she was with Namjoon - and had done nothing for the last few months but draw fluffy dogs, read about fluffy dogs, watch TV shows about fluffy dogs, and then recount every single fact she had learned about them to you over breakfast.

"Eomma, Monie is gonna grow up and be over a metre tall. That's this big!" she exclaimed a few weeks ago, raising her tiny fists in the air and stretching her fingers to the sky.

"Wow," you grinned, her enthusiasm for learning making your heart burst with affection for her, as it always did. "That's a very big dog!"

Nari dropped her hands all of a sudden.

"Will he be bigger than Namoonie?" she asked, cocking her head to the side in thought. 

"No, sweetheart," you reassured her, stroking her hair.

"Are you sure, Eomma?" Nari narrowed her amber eyes at you. She always did this - she had the same awful affliction as you, where she thought she was right in every single scenario. 

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