15 - unspoken

876 78 21



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"This was such a good idea," you proclaimed, as you opened the cardboard box and smelled the delicious contents inside. 

Namjoon grinned. "A great idea."

"The best," you nodded, selecting a slice of pizza and digging into it. "No surprises I came up with it then."

"Sure you did," he teased, wrinkling his nose. "And don't talk with your mouth full."

"Thassswatshesaid," you managed, with a mouth full of pizza and a waggling eyebrow.

Namjoon rolled his eyes at your bad joke, but chuckled anyway.

At first, Namjoon and you had decided to go out tonight. It was rare, after all, that both of you were free for the entire evening, and neither of you really got to go out any more. You decided to get drinks, and then hit a club afterwards, even though you hadn't been clubbing since Nari was born.

And so Namjoon had agreed to pick you up from your place later that evening. But when he had arrived around nine, he had found you yawning heavily as you answered the door.

"Tired?" he'd asked, watching as you scoured the apartment for one of your high heels, which Nari had been tottering around in recently and had subsequently hidden. 

You nodded, yawning again. "Sorry. Nari didn't sleep well last night. She was too excited to go to work with you today."

Namjoon chuckled. "Yeah, you'd never know. She was full of beans at the office. Ran rings around me," he exhaled, dropping onto the couch with a heavy sigh.

You eyed him, and paused your frantic shoe search.

"Hang on," you said, waving one high heel at him. "If we're both exhausted, why are even bothering going out? Do you want to go out?"

Namjoon gazed at you. "No," he replied honestly. "Not really."

"Why did you agree, then?" 

He shrugged. "Because I thought you wanted to go."

A jolt of something indefinable ran through you at that. So many times, Namjoon had done these tiny, generous acts for you, and you had never questioned them. But since that day when Taehyung had shown up and interrupted you, you'd been noticing them more and more.

"Oh," you breathed, before snapping back out of it. "Well, I don't, to be honest. I'm knackered. Can we stay in instead?"

Namjoon's dimpled grin returned. 

"We can do whatever you want," he said, but you could see from the way he relaxed into the couch, that he was relieved by this decision.

So now here you were, curled up on the couch - him in a smart black button-down and slacks, you in a matching black mini-dress - and shovelling down pizza like it was nobody's business.

After a moment of dedicated chewing, Namjoon had turned to you. 

"So," he said, not meeting your eye, and you knew he didn't want to address what happened between you in his parents' kitchen, so he avoided it altogether. "How was your day?" 

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now