❁ epilogue

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Things moved pretty quickly after that.

A week after your reconciliation, Namjoon bought a ring, and proposed properly at dinner in a beautiful riverside restaurant he had booked. It was also here that he revealed he had been promoted, once again, to Senior Editor at Page7.

At 27, he was the youngest person in the company's history to hold the role.

He had done it, finally, for both of you.

By far the most fun part of the whole arrangement was telling people that you were finally together, and having a baby. Best of all was telling Mrs. Kim, who screeched so loudly that Mr. Kim fell out of his chair, and Namjoon threw an arm out across your stomach instinctively, as she jumped up and began to bounce around her living room.

"Oh, finally!" she cheered, the middle-aged woman looking eighteen again as she hopped and skipped around the room, stopping to hug you both tightly and kiss you on both cheeks over and over again. "Finally, finally!"

You could only laugh, letting the tears roll down your cheeks and blaming the pregnancy hormones for how emotional you were.

"Mrs. Kim," you asked her, when she finally calmed down. "I was also hoping, at the wedding... you might give me away."

At this, Mrs. Kim looked as though she might faint from happiness, drawing you back in for another round of hugs and kisses.

Eventually, hours later, you and Namjoon had left, after Mrs. Kim made you promise to bring the new baby over all the time, so that she could shower it with love the same way she had done for Nari.

Speaking of Nari - that conversation was a fair bit more difficult than the one with Mrs. Kim.

It wasn't hard to explain to her that you were pregnant again. Nari seemed overjoyed at the thought of a little brother or sister, though you suspected she was just excited by the prospect of having someone to unleash all of her random facts on, or simply someone to boss around.

It was the changing nature of yours and Namjoon's relationship that she found hard to grasp. And rightly so, considering how dubious the pair of you had been about it for so long. It was hard for you to understand, let alone a four year old.

You sat her down in her room, just her and you alone, a week or so after Namjoon properly proposed, and tried to explain. That although Taehyung - or 'Taetae Appa', as she had taken to calling him now - was her father, Namjoon was going to be her father too. And that you liked Taehyung, but you loved Namjoon, and you were going to get married soon.

Nari had listened carefully, surprisingly devoid of questions throughout this whole speech, considering she normally had a million of them. After a moment of quiet thinking, she finally spoke.

"Will Taetae Appa be the baby in your tummy's Appa too?" Nari asked innocently, and you shook your head sadly.

"No, sweetheart. Just Namjoon. I know it's all very confusing, I'm sorry," you rubbed her back. "You are a very smart girl, but it's okay if it doesn't make sense. Just remember that you can call Taehyung and Namjoon anything you like, whatever feels right, okay? You can have two Appas, like the baby Uncle Jinnie and Jimin are going to have."

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