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Maybe this trip will hold some unexpected surprises.

Isn't that what you had thought to yourself, starry-eyed and optimistic, when Taehyung had flashed that million dollar smile at you in Incheon airport two months ago?

How idiotic you had been, not to see this surprise coming.

Jimin was leaning against his bathroom sink, his arms crossed as you waited perched on the bath. He was trying to seem calm, but the anxious tapping of his feet gave him away.

He was nervous. You both were.

When you'd stumbled out of Page7's headquarters a few hours earlier, pale as a ghost and shaking all over, he'd assumed it was because you hadn't gotten the job. But when you told him you had, and that you were just sick, his expression turned to one of concern.

"You never get sick," he stated matter-of-factly. "Remember that time you accidently ate all that raw chicken from the KFC place? You didn't even have a stomachache."

You had simply shrugged as he helped you into the subway station, wishing the world would stop spinning. "It's a bug, Minie. It'll pass."

He was silent then, until the pair of you were safely seated on the train, your shoulder on his. Only then did he speak again.

"Are you sure you're not pregnant?" he piped up in a quiet voice. You snorted.

"Yes, Minie, I'm sure," you said, closing your eyes and planning to get some much needed sleep after endless nights of preparing for the interview.

"But," he pointed out, lacing a hand in yours. "What about Thailand? Didn't you and Tae... you know..."

You blushed a little. You knew that you and Tae hadn't exactly hidden your activities in Thailand, but you'd never spoken to anyone about it before except Namjoon.

"Well... yes," you mumbled. "But I was on the pill."

"Yeah, but you were drinking a lot," Jimin pointed out. "Doesn't that make it less effective?"

You were silent at this. Jimin did have a point. But then, you remembered that Taehyung had used a condom most of the time anyway, so the chances were very slim.

"I'm just saying, it's something to consider," Jimin's soft voice continued. He was being very patient, his thumb stroking over your hand. "When was your last... you know..."

"Jimin, you can just say period," you tutted.

"Okay fine, period," he hissed, and you sensed him blushing, glancing around to check no one could hear him. "When was it?"

"It was..." you thought back, trying to trace when you last had one. You had a particular memory of being in pain in Mrs. Kim's car, hunched over and despairing about a first interview gone wrong, though your period was just ending then, on the way to Incheon airport.

But it couldn't have been. You'd been in Mrs. Kim's car before Thailand.

You sat up slowly, and looked at Jimin in pure terror.

"Minie," you whispered. "It was two months ago."

So here you were.

Sitting on the edge of his bath. Waiting.

Three minutes stretched on for what felt like hours, before Jimin's phone was finally buzzing, to say time was up. He glanced at you with worried eyes, and then at the white stick on the side of the sink.

For some reason, in the split second that it took Jimin to reach for the test, your mind rewound back to that moment in Thailand after you'd gotten the call from Page7. Throwing your arms around Namjoon. His plan for the pair of you to be Senior Editors together.

You and me. Always.

Except Namjoon wasn't here to help you now. You were on your own. And that was perhaps the most terrifying thought of all - that the dreams you had always wanted were in danger of passing you by, and Namjoon wasn't here to help you reach out and grab at them.

Jimin cleared his throat softly, and you glanced up at him, at the test he was holding in his hand, the two pink lines clear as day even from far away.




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