19 - unwell

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Four weeks.

It had been four weeks, and still Namjoon was yet to come around.  

All four of them had been torturous. 

The worst of it was the first day. You had driven over to Jimin and Jin's place in a daze, unable to focus on anything but replaying that conversation with Namjoon in your head and wondering what you could have done differently to make him stay.

When Jimin answered the door, he knew something was wrong right away.

"Oh shit, come in," he hurried you into the kitchen, sitting you down and putting a cup of hot coffee down in front of you.

You glanced around. "Where's Nari?"

"Next door playing with Jin," Jimin explained. "Now spill, what's wrong? Are you sick?"

You shook your head, and told him everything. 

By the time you were finished, Jimin's jaw was nearly on the floor.

"Okay," he began slowly. "When I told you to fuck each others' brains out, I didn't think you'd take that seriously."

You could only give a short, bitter laugh at this. Jimin eyed you sympathetically. 

"I know it's hard," he reassured. "But I can kinda see where Joon is coming from. The man's been head over heels for you since day one. He needs to be sure you feel the same way."

"Hang on, how did you know he felt like that?" you questioned, narrowing your eyes at Jimin.

"Honey, the real question is how you didn't know," Jimin rolled his eyes. "I mean, really, the man offers to marry you and you don't once stop to consider if he might have caught feelings?"

You shrugged, feeling very stupid all of a sudden. "Well..."

Jimin saw how awful you felt at his words, and leaned over to take your hand. But before he could say anything comforting, Nari and Jin burst into the kitchen.

"Eomma!" Nari screeched as she spotted you, excitedly jumping up into your arms and tugging at your t-shirt. "Jimimi has a baby in his tummy!"

You, Jimin and Jin all laughed at this, the tension eased in the kitchen.

"I don't think he does, sweetheart," you grinned at her. But Nari scrunched her face in indignation.

"Uncle Jinnie says that him and Jimimi are going to have a baby. But that means Jimimi has a baby in his tummy, doesn't it?" she stated, looking entirely too pleased with herself at knowing something you didn't. Then she paused, her brow furrowing cutely. "What's a adupshin, Eomma?"

You froze, eyeing Jimin, who was grimacing at you, and Jin, who was smiling. Putting Nari down for a moment, you gazed at them as you realised what was happening. 

"You two are adopting?" you asked, astonished, and Jimin nodded. "I... oh my god, how? When? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Well, we've been thinking about it for a while now," Jin said with a proud smile, moving round to wrap an arm around Jimin's waist. "And Jiminie's been thinking about taking time off teaching. It just felt like the right time."

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now