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And so your love affair with Kim Taehyung began.

God, you were so dramatic sometimes. Love affair? Could you call drunkenly stumbling into his bed together every evening of a graduate trip to Thailand a love affair? Probably not. It was purely lust-fueled - and, maybe, a tiny bit alcohol-fueled - and it was one hundred percent addictive. Taehyung was addictive.

Safe to say, then, that Namjoon was entirely unhappy about it.

You suspected this was because he missed you. After all, you had planned this trip together, as a reward for all your hard work over the last years. And though you spent all day with him, you knew that spending every evening without you was not the way he had wanted this trip to go.

Part of you knew that. And yet another part - the immature, selfish part that was swept away by dark hair and amber eyes and slender fingers - was telling you to forget it all, and live in the moment.

It felt like a dream, a liquor-filled haze of parties and laughs and moans and waking up a tangle of sweaty limbs and bodies, only to stumble back to your room that you shared with Namjoon, to end up doing the exact same thing the next evening. You didn't really remember the sex, only that it was intense and fast and over too quickly. And you didn't seem to talk much. When you did, it was mainly about him - about how he was going to drama school. About how he wanted to make it big time as an actor. You nodded along, agreeing with everything, far too caught up in him to do anything else.

It was a daze. A daydream.

It was only a matter of time, then, before you woke up.

It happened on your tenth day there. You woke up to birds chirping outside your window, the Thai sun already harsh at daybreak. Something felt different, and when you reached an arm over the mattress, you realised what it was.

Taehyung was gone.

You squinted confusedly, bleary eyes coming into focus as you realised you were still in his room. He never got up first - it was always you who crawled back to your own room in the early hours of the morning.

So where was he?

When the room came into clearer view, the realisation hit you that all of his things were gone.

Turning on the pillow, you spotted a folded piece of paper on the beside table and picked it up to read it.


this was a lot of fun.

was amazing hanging with you for the last few years.

stay in touch!

- kth

You gaped at the letter in disbelief.

How had you not known he was going home today?

And what the hell was with this pathetic note of rejection?

Suddenly, tears were welling in your eyes. You clambered out of bed, pulling on your clothes haphazardly, as you stumbled back to your own room.

Namjoon was still asleep, shirtless and breathing deeply under the covers of his bed. You climbed in next to him, pressing your body against his and letting the warmth envelop you.

"Hmmph," came his sleepy grunt. You burrowed down into his chest, letting the tears fall freely now that you were in your best friend's arms. "W'timezit?"

"Joonie," you sniffled, and he turned, finally realising something was wrong. His arm went around you, clutching you to him.

"What? What's wrong?" alarm sank into his voice. "Did he do something to you? So help me, I'll-"

"N-no," you choked out, shaking your head. "H-he l-left."

"Ah," he said, finally realising. "Shit."

For a long moment, Namjoon simply held you as you cried. Honestly, you weren't sure what you were crying for, but in that moment, Taehyung seemed worthy of tears. He had, after all, been sleeping with you for the better part of two weeks now, so it was only a matter of time before you formed an emotional attachment to him.

But even more devastating was how you had treated your best friend during that time.

"I'm s-so sorry, Joonie," you managed through hiccupping sobs. "I a-abandoned you f-for..."

"Hey, hey," he soothed, stroking your back kindly. "It's okay. I get it."

"No," you said, knowing he would forgive you too easily and wanting to sit with the guilt for longer. "I was a b-bad friend-"

"Yah," he tutted now, poking your rib. "You think friends can't make mistakes, huh? What about the time in second year I ditched you to go fishing with Jin and Yoongi, and left you with Jungkookie all day?"

This made you laugh a little. You remembered that day only too clearly. Jungkook was adorable, but spending all day with him was like looking after a five year old. You'd been exhausted and grumpy when Jin, Yoongi and Namjoon had returned, Jungkook snoring on your lap on the couch like a worn-out toddler.

"See," Namjoon continued. "It's fine. I'm over it. Okay?"

You nodded, though you were still grumpy and tired. You knew you were upset about Taehyung leaving too, but you didn't want to discuss it with Namjoon, for reasons unknown even to you, but partly because you knew he didn't like him all that much. You snuggled into his shoulder for a little longer, until you were interrupted by the buzzing of your phone.

You answered it without bothering to see who was calling, pressing the phone to your ear as you lay against Namjoon's shoulder.

"Hello?" you sniffled.

"Yes, am I speaking to Miss --?" came a polite voice on the other end of the line. "I'm calling from Page7."

Immediately you shot up from Namjoon's shoulder, giving him wide eyes as panic settled into your stomach. "Yes, this is her."

"Fantastic. Well, we just wanted to congratulate you. We were very impressed with you and want to invite you to the second round of interviews."

Your mouth dropped. This, you hadn't expected, after that awful interview. "R-really? I mean... um, thank you!" you laughed a little in relief.

Namjoon caught on, and a huge dimpled grin spread across his face. He squeezed your hand as you listened a little more, thanking the caller again before you hung up the phone.

You squealed, throwing your arms around his neck in delight. "Joonie! A second interview!"

He laughed, knocked backwards onto his bed, as you hugged him tightly, your stresses about Taehyung suddenly forgotten. The sound reverberated deep in his chest.

"I told you I had a good feeling. We're both going to get it, and we're going to be the youngest Senior Editors the company has ever seen," he said, as if there really was no doubt about it.

You gazed down at him. You were pretty much lying on top of him now, and your heart bursting in your chest with happiness and relief and pure, unfiltered love for your best friend.

How could you have given him up, even for just a week? For some stupid fling that wouldn't have lasted anyway?

"It's you and me, Joonie," you said, poking one of the dimples in his cheek.

His eyes flashed with happiness.

"You and me," he repeated. "Always."

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