16 - undone [18+]

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From the moment his lips met yours, you were on fire. 

It was the only way to describe it. All-consuming, scorching fire, licking at your nerves until you felt like you were vibrating with want for him. You could barely believe, even a few seconds into kissing him, that you hadn't been doing this your whole life.

Namjoon sighed a little as his hands left your face to go around your waist, his mouth slanting to deepen the kiss. You moaned into his mouth at the sensation, gripping his neck, the warmth and familiarity of him blending into something new and exciting.

Two things happened at once, when he heard you moan. First, he groaned back, letting his tongue tangle with yours. And then, he walked you backwards in his strong grip, until you hit the hallway wall. 

"Shit," he breathed as he pulled away, gazing down at where he had you trapped beneath his broad form. 

"Yeah," you agreed in a whisper, gazing into his shining brown eyes, before his lips were on yours once more.

It was a flurry of hands and mouths, a lot of feeling and not so many words. He was broad and muscular under your palms, and you let them roam, loving the expanse of his chest and the way his muscles clenched when you dragged your fingers down over his abdomen. The kiss was heating quickly, becoming urgent as he bit at your bottom lip playfully, and you had a reckless idea, one you couldn't stop yourself from acting on, as you began to loosen his belt.

Namjoon's attentions had gone to your neck, pressing his mouth against your neck and making your core throb, so it took him a moment to realise where your hand was going. But the second it dipped below the band of his briefs, taking his half-hard length and squeezing it gently, he hissed into your neck.

He was big, bigger than you'd expected, and you noted with a dark thrill that your hand couldn't fit all the way around his length as you began to pump him slowly, loving the fact that he was still clothed, your hand in his pants like a pair of desperate teenagers. Namjoon groaned a little as you pumped him faster, his large hands going to the hem of your dress to hitch it up.

His hands were like lightning as he tugged your underwear to the side roughly, sliding two fingers boldly across your slick seam, and then pressed them into you without giving you even a moment to process it.

"Oh my..." your eyes rolled a little, loving the way his slender fingers crooked a little inside you, making your knees feel weak and your clit throb dangerously. "God - Joonie... feels..."

"Good, huh?" he finished for you when you couldn't, his fingers pumping into you in time with your strokes of his cock. "You're so wet, angel. Feels really fucking good."

Angel. The word reverberated around you body and made you whine which was swallowed by his mouth once more, as the pair of you fell into a filthy, desperate rhythm.

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now