7 - uncertain

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tw: mild mention of abortion

"What are you going to do?" Namjoon murmured, his fingers ghosting down your spine a small reassurance as you rested your cheek on his shoulder.

You shrugged, letting his hand find yours and interlock your fingers. You were in his bedroom at his parents' house, and you had just broken the news.

Namjoon, though he was shocked, was strangely calm about the whole thing. Perhaps he sensed, quite rightly, that you really didn't have a choice in this situation. You were having the baby, and so there was no point causing a scene about it.

"I can't get an abortion," you whispered, gazing down at your fingers, confirming something you both knew to be true. South Korea's abortion laws were notoriously difficult. "So I guess... I'm having a baby."

Namjoon let out a deep exhale. "Okay," he said. It seemed to be all he could say. "Okay. It's going to be okay."

But now, even he sounded uncertain.

All of a sudden, Namjoon sat up sharply.

"Oh shit," he said, with understanding and sadness. "Page7."

You nodded, sighing. "Yeah."

This was the biggest blow of all. Your job at Page7 would forever remain a dream now. There was no way you could work there and have a child, not as a graduate. You had been forced to turn the job down.

"I was thinking... maybe I could train as a teacher, like Jimin," you ventured. "A literature teacher. The hours would be better for being a... mother."

Namjoon grinned. You could feel it where he had now rested his head on yours. "You'd be a great teacher."

"The only problem is the money," you sighed, though the compliment made your spirits rise a little. "It's not enough to live on - not as a trainee teacher, anyway - let alone support a baby."

"Why don't you come and stay here?" he offered. "My parents won't mind."

You shook your head. "No, Joonie, I couldn't..."

"Why not?" he said, and you knew he was serious now. "Eomma is always going on about how much she misses having babies around the house. She would definitely say yes."

When you opened your mouth to refuse again, no words came out. You thought about the situation you were in. What Namjoon was offering might just be your only hope, even if it did leave you with a sour taste in your mouth about sponging off his parents' space for the next few months.

"Just for the first bit," he squeezed your shoulder gently now, knowing you were thinking about it. "Until you've found your feet. And then we'll figure the rest out."

"Okay," you said, throat thick with emotion. "Okay. Thank you Joonie."

He wrapped his arm around you now as you sniffled, cursing your new hyperemotional pregnancy hormones, and thanking the heavens for having such a kind and supportive best friend.

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now