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"Oh god," you moaned in despair. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can," Jimin reassured you, stroking the back of your head as he held your hair. "Trust me."

It was six weeks since you'd returned from Thailand. Six weeks of moving out of your student apartment and into Jimin's for a little while, as you continued to interview for Page7, passing round after round of interviews before finally getting to this one.

The final stage.

You and Namjoon had promised, that this job wouldn't change anything between you. It didn't matter if both of you got it, or neither of you did. Your friendship would be unaffected.

And yet, that hadn't softened the sting of finding out that Namjoon didn't get the job.

He'd called you a few nights ago to break the news. Clearly, he was trying to remain neutral about it, but you could sense the disappointment in his voice. Immediately you'd gone over to his parents' house, where he was staying until he got a job, and wrapped him into a hug. He'd said nothing, only wished you luck in your own final interview, though you sensed from his sad eyes that it would pain him to discuss it any more.

Which is why, on the morning of your final interview, you didn't want to call him.

But not talking about it meant all of your nervousness had bottled itself up, so much so that you were now leaning over the toilet bowl, retching violently.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Jimin was saying now, concerned. He had done a complete turn from his reassuring words earlier. "You can always tell them you're sick-"

"No," you held a hand up to stop him. "This always happens when I'm nervous. I threw up three times before my final exams this year. I just have to go and get it out of the way."

Jimin nodded, helping you to your feet, your legs shaking so much he had to put an arm around you to steady you. "Okay," he said, although he didn't sound convinced. "Come on. I'll escort you there."

True to his word, Jimin rode the train with you the whole way there, promising to wait until you were done to take you home. You gave his hand a squeeze as you went into the building, knowing you were lucky to have a friend as generous as Jimin, taking a deep shaking breath as you entered the office.

Despite the rising nausea in your stomach, the interview went relatively well. You spoke with the CEO of Page 7 - Jung Hoseok - which was so nerve-wracking you had to hid your shaking hands under the table, and then you were asked to wait.

As you did, you thought of Namjoon. How awful it would be, if you got this and he didn't. Once again, you felt a little sick.

But the waiting area was filled with candidates, and you knew full well that this was the last batch of interviewees they were seeing. They couldn't have many places left, and the chance that you would be picked out of all of the waiting candidates here was slim to none.

It felt like hours, but finally they called you back in.

"Well," CEO Jung smiled kindly at you from across the huge table in his boardroom. He was not a scary-looking man at all; instead he had a handsome smile like sunshine, eyes that creased with kindness, and a calming demeanour. You wished it was enough to put you at ease.

"We're very impressed with you, I have to say," Jung Hoseok continued, grinning at you. "As you know, there has been some really fierce competition this year. It's incredibly difficult to choose graduates for this programme from such a strong pool of candidates."

Your heart sank into your stomach, the sickness roiling in it once more. Oh god, you thought, oh god, this is it, I haven't got it, all of this was for nothing-

"But I'm happy to say, we'd love to offer you the opportunity to come and work here," CEO Jung was saying now, raising his hands in congratulations.

It didn't sink in for a moment, that he was actually offering you the job.

Your dream job.

The one you had always wanted.

The surprise and delight hit you at the same time that the nausea rose again, harder than ever.

You thought, strangely, of Taehyung, of his letter of bruising rejection, though you were unsure why.

You thought of Namjoon, how devastating this would be for him.

And then you couldn't hold it in any longer. 

Not the emotions - something else...

"If you'll... I'm sorry- excuse me," you scrambled out of your chair, rushing for the door and wrenching it open, leaving behind a very confused CEO Jung and his assistant, as you dashed for the exit, throwing a final excuse over your shoulder.

"I... oh, god... I think I'm going to be sick."



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