14 - uncles and appas

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TRIPLE update? y'all are spoiled ;-)

read chapters 12 and 13 first!





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How do you explain fatherhood to a 4 year old? 

More importantly - how do you explain to a 4 year old with the brain of a 10 year old, who would see straight through any lies you told her, that her transient father-slash-celebrity wanted back into her life?

Of course, you'd had this discussion with Nari before. You'd told her that yes, she had a father who was a famous actor, but he wasn't around - but that was okay, because she had her mother and her uncles and Mrs. Kim to take care of her. Surprisingly, considering Nari's inquisitive nature, she had accepted this when you told her. You figured it was because she was so happy with her uncles' company, she never really felt the need for a biological father. Besides, she rather enjoyed the novelty of calling Taehyung 'the Man on TV'. 

When Taehyung had turned up the other day at Mrs. Kim's house, it was the first time you had seen him in the four years since Nari was born. Truthfully, part of you had expected to never see him again - especially considering that he was now one of the most popular actors in Korea - and you were fine with that. He still sent money every month, and you used a little of it if needed, but mostly it went into Nari's college fund.

So seeing him on that doorstep was a complete shock, leaving you feeling dizzy and very slightly nauseous. You had a feeling part of that was to do with the fact that you were nearly certain Namjoon was going to kiss you not ten seconds earlier. 

"...Taehyung?" you had breathed in disbelief.

Taehyung flashed you a boxy smile, even more heartstopping than ever. "Hi," he said softly.

For a moment all you could do was gape at him.

This can't be happening, you told yourself. This is a nightmare. This isn't happening.

But then he spoke again, and you knew it was real.

"I'm sorry for just... showing up. This is the last place I remembered you living in," he rubbed the back of his neck, brushing his sandy blonde hair that hadn't changed since the last time you saw him. "I was just... I've been doing a lot of thinking, recently, a lot of growing up - and I wanted to - well, I was hoping that maybe, I could... meet her."

Your jaw dropped once more, but someone beat you to a response this time. 

"What the fuck," came a deep voice behind you, and you had whipped around to see Namjoon behind you, his shirtsleeves still rolled up and hands damp with suds, glaring at Taehyung.

"Hi, Namjoon-hyung," Taehyung said with a small smile. "You look well."

Namjoon didn't respond. He just shifted his gaze to you, jaw clenched in anger, and you had to admit that you were feeling it too.

Who was he to come back now, all these years later? Who was he to decide to be a parent when you had been doing his job all this time?

"Taehyung," you began, as calmly as you could, knowing you would not be able to have this conversation in front of Namjoon. "Can I call you about this? It's... not a good time."

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now