21 - unplanned

799 62 13

last chapter! epilogue to come💜



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That night, in your apartment with Taehyung, it had taken only one second after he kissed you for you to take a giant step back, out of his grip.

"Tae, no- I'm... that's not what I-" you tried to explain to him. "I'm not..."

But Taehyung was already dismissing it. "Shit - no, it's okay, you don't have to explain," he said, shaking his head. "That was really stupid, I'm sorry."

It was quiet for a long, tense moment, as a very ugly thought came to you.

"Is this..." you began in a whisper, hoping beyond anything that what you were about to ask wasn't true. "Is this why you're here? Why you want to see Nari?"

"What? No!" Taehyung insisted, his amber eyes going wide with alarm. "I swear - I'm sorry, I didn't even think about kissing you when I came here. It was just... in the moment, I thought... but I was wrong. I'm sorry. I'm here for Nari, I promise."

You could see, from the open expression on his face, that he was telling the truth. 

"Okay," you breathed out, stomach unknotting just a little. "I... I'm sorry, Tae, it's not because you're not... well, you know you're handsome, it's just-"

"It's Namjoon, right?" he finished your sentence with a knowing smile, and you gazed at him with wide eyes now. "I sort of guessed from the fact that you called me to get Nari, and not him. Is everything okay with you guys?"

You shrugged. "Honestly... I don't know. I hope so."

He smiled sadly, reaching for his jacket. "I hope so too. You two always were thick as thieves when we were younger."

You grinned, remembering the way Namjoon had comforted you that morning in Thailand, when Taehyung had left.

"Are we okay?" Taehyung asked you earnestly. "I'm really sorry about that. It was dumb."

You shook your head, dismissing it. "It's fine. We're okay."

His boxy grin returned to his face, and he reached for his jacket, making to leave. A sudden thought came to you, and you furrowed your brow.

"Tae," you began slowly. "Were you in Seoul this morning when I called you?"

Taehyung paused as he pulled on his jacket. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you're shooting in Daegu right now," you replied, knowingly. "You drove here from Daegu, didn't you?"

Taehyung looked at the floor sheepishly, as if not wanting to admit it. "Well... maybe, but-"

You cut him off with a huge hug, squeezing him tight. "Thank you," you said. "I know you're trying to prove you'll be there for Nari. She loves having you around."

Taehyung seemed to soften at that, and when you pulled back, you grinned at him. 

"She does?" he asked, hopefully.

You nodded. "Yes. But Tae - if you're gonna do this," you said now, in a more serious tone. "You have to be in it for the long-haul, okay? I... I grew up with parents who didn't give a shit about me. You can't just be here for a few months and then change your mind. This is a lifetime deal. Are you ready for that?"

UNPLANNED | namjoon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now