Lee Minho( The Vampire King)

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Place of birth: planet purgatory , this planet is a place where only supernatural and mythical creatures exists( vampires, werewolves witches, shape shifters, dragons

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Place of birth: planet purgatory , this planet is a place where only supernatural and mythical creatures exists( vampires, werewolves witches, shape shifters, dragons.....)
Date of birth: 1798 age 125 years old.
Date of Death :1923
Minho is the vampire king, he did not find his mate yet.
" I can't find my mate after all these years...this is getting frustrating jungwon" I said leaning on my throne...i am 125 years old now and I am still mateless.
"well that is because you are messing around with the werewolves prince"he replied making me frown" you need to stop it your highness...his grandparents killed your parents...he is trying to gain your trust then backstab you..."
"enough" I yelled my eyes turning red in anger." chan is not like that...i like him" I added looking down my lap,
"I hope you won't regret trusting him...he is our enemy" my right hand said before he bowed walking outside the room.

I took a deep breath looking from the balcony, I know that my feelings for the boy are wrong by all means but I couldn't help falling for him...he is charming and caring...and I just started catching feelings for him.

It is all start at one of the gatherings where royals get together to discuss our world related stuff... Like our people's safety...our relationship...if you ask me they only cared about the parties....and the drinks.
I was a hell of a bored and I didn't want to stay but I had to what made it worse was this meeting was held here in the vampire's kingdom so there was no running for me...that's when I met him...a smile came on my face remembering our first encounter.

I was walking to the garden for some air, it is suffocating inside...i froze smelling blood nearby what made me more worried is the smell belonged to a child...my senses are more advanced then any normal vampire so it was easy for me to recognize it.
"so be careful next time" my eyes widen seeing man next to a little boy who was crying...a little vampire...the man smelled like a wolf...i was about to attack him but I stopped when I recognized his smell...bangchan...i didn't see him since he was a little boy...he was back facing me so I could get a clear view of his face.
"aren't werewolves supposed to be our enemies?" the boy asked looking at chan.

"well that's what they said...but do you want to be my enemy?" he asked making me frown.
"no...you are nice...you helped me" the boy said, he hurt his left knee...i am sure while running or playing around.
"it is going to heal soon little vampire...may you should go back to your parents " the werewolf said making the boy nod and leave but not before hugging him...this is a rare scene to see...a very rare one.
"king lee" chan said still not looking at me...he must have picked on my smell...like vampire royals the werewolf royals have stronger senses then a my normal wolf.
"prince bang" I replied scanning his figure with cautious eyes.

He chuckled before he faced me, my whole world froze seeing him...he turned into hell of a man...i blinked my eyes trying to shake the thought away...come on minho he is a wolf...
"were you bored inside?"he asked walking toward me.
"why were you nice with the boy?" I asked making him smile showing his dimples...if my heart was beating it would have stopped now...
"he is a kid...what do you want me..."
"he is a vampire" I cut him off with a glare."your enemy "I added.
"he is an innocent kid who go hurt...plus do you care remind me why we hate each other?" he asked titling his head.

"I will gladly do that...maybe it is the fact that your dear grandparents killed my parents" I answered making his eyes widen before he looked down.
"I...i apologize about that...but it is in the past you know..."he said looking through my eyes" it is not like you didn't get your revenge and killed them"he added taking me off guard....he is right...i was considered young by vampire age when i lost my parents....i was angry...and frustrated...i killed the werewolf couples and almost caused a war if the other species didn't interfere...they said we were even now...it is not like vampires and werewolves loved each other before...but after that accident it became worse." we are only enemies if you want us to be king lee"he added

End of flashback

It is been months since that day, we start meeting up from time to time...i learned that he one of the most gentle person I have ever met...so sweet and caring...unlike werewolves...i wished that we could be mates but it is impossible...it is hard for me...day by day I feel terrible...i fell for my enemy who is going to find his mate soon...and I am going to stay alone forever....the boy doesn't have any idea about my feelings...he thinks we are friends...we even talked about how we are going to make a treaty after he takes over his father....
"you messed up minho"I whispered crossing my hands behind my back walking toward my room.

I opened the door heading the bathroom...i need a shower, I was about to remove my clothes when my eyes fell on chan who was standing in the middle of the room.
"chan when did you get here?"I asked, I gave him a chanted gem for him to teleport inside my room in secret..."chan" I added taking a step toward him...he was looking at me blankly...what is wrong with him?
"are you okay?" I said gripping his arm, out of nowhere his eyes flashed yellow before he attacked me...i didn't expect him to do that so I was badly injured...his claws went through my stomach making me fall to the ground.
"what are you doing?" I yelled from pain..anger and betrayal.

He didn't answer before his hand went through my heart...my whole world froze...it hurts too much...not his hand that was crashing my heart...but the pain of getting betrayed.
"I love you..."I said a tear dropping down my eyes, I saw his eyes go back to normal before everything went black the last thing I hear was him calling my name...i died...will I ever find peace? I was killed by the hands of the love of my life...what an ending...
"what do you want me to do leave him on the floor" I heared a loud voice.
"wooyoung...he is a stranger...what if he a killer or..."
"San shut up"
I finally opened my eyes to be met with a strong light making groan.
"he is wake"
"get behind me" I saw a boy with strong gaze glare at me as he pushed the other behind him.
"move your butt" the one from behind said pushing him out of his way." hey are you okay?" he added crunching next to me...i was laying on some couch.
"where am I?" I asked getting up.
"our apartment...i find out passed out outside...i am wooyoung...that's San...what happened to you?"he aske back.

"apartment?" I said glancing around...where am I? And why do they smell different...i have never smelled this scent before.
"our house" wooyoung said with a frown" did you hurt you head? Do you need to go to a..."
"I am fine" I cut him off getting up....how did I get here?
I walked toward what I guess is a balcony feeling a pair of eyes on me.
"what the hell?" I gasped at how high the building is...
"what is wrong?" I looked back to see the two boys looking at me with worried eyes.
"I need to go back home...i am from..." I stopped mid sentence...something is wrong...this whole world seems different...there was a stories that passed down generations about other worlds we were even able to visit some of them but it didn't happen since before my grandparents time and judging by the strange smell....are they humans?

"humans?" I whispered.
"what are you an alien?" San said rolling his eyes.
"you are humans right...what year is this?" I asked looking between us.
"I told you...see....he is crazy..."
"we are humans...and it is 2023...you..."
"minho" I said making him nod.
"i think you hit your head or something..."
"I did not...i am fine" I said looking from the window...physcially I am perfectly fine...but the wound inside my heart will never be healed...my question now how did I get here after chan killed me? And how can I go back there? They are humans...mortal creatures with no powers...they won't believe me.

" do you want to take a shower then...and remove your suit...it looks expensive" wooyoung said making me look at my attire...it is so formal and different from theirs.
"I...sure" I replied making him smile the other boy was just watching me with hawk eyes...i need to go back home...i need to find out why he betrayed me....

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