chapter 48- what happened Taylor?

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Sienna p.o.v

Rachel opened the door and let Taylor in before waving goodbye and walking out leaving myself and Sarah with Taylor. 

" Take a seat." I said getting straight to the point. 

Surprisingly she did as I said no questions asked and sat down looking actually ashamed. 

"Why? That is what I want to know. We use to be so close Taylor I just don't understand. Why do you not trust me anymore?" I asked and I could not help but let the sadness seep through me. 

Around 5 or 6 months before everything happened with my mom and Sarah Taylor started acting different. More cold towards me and I started realizing she was using me to become popular. Or at least that is what my mother told me but we can not believe a word she says anymore so it makes me feel there is more to this. 

She looked at me with so much sadness in her eyes for so long or it at least it felt for so long before she finally spoke. 

" I'm sorry." She said with so much sadness it broke my heart. 

I sighed and nodded. 

" What happened Taylor?" I asked. 

However all she did was look away from my eyes with more tears pouring down her face. It was silent for a while before I realized she was not going to speak. We both knew it was to do with my mother and it hurts knowing my mother hurt people I really cared about and I n=have only just started to realize it now.

I forgot that Sarah was in here before she cleared her throat to get our attention and luckily it worked. 

" Look I know we do not really know each other Taylor but I hope you realize some day that Sienna is not the bad guy in all this. Whatever her mother did, Sienna should not get punished for. I can only imagine what her mother did has affected you badly and we are sorry for that but please let us in at one point for us to try and help you. We can not help you if you do not let us in or try." Sarah said softly.

" I am not going to force you to open up to me Taylor but I hope one day on your own terms you will and I hope you learn to trust me again. I still care about you Taylor and I care about this coven. I know that she broke your trust Taylor, I know I do not know how but I hope you give me a chance as Sienna not as her daughter but as me. I want a good relationship with everyone in my coven including you." I said softly. 

I watched helplessly as tears poured out her eyes and a sob escaped her lip before she nodded. 

" I am sorry sienna. I will try and open up to you but not yet. I do not feel comfortable talking about it yet. I was just scared it was all a front to act as though you will do better but I can really see now you do want to do better. I am sorry for doubting you especially in front of the Coven. I will not do it again I promise. Thank you for the changes you are all already doing." She said and I could see the honesty in her eyes.

I nodded my head and gave her a small sad smile. 

" Unfortunately I will still have to give you a punishment Taylor. Although I accept and am grateful for your apology what you did was still out of order and I do not accept that in this coven. if you do that again the punishment will be worse. The punishment I will be giving you is for you to help the maids clean the pack house for 2 days with no payment. Of course you will get your dinner that we will give you but no payment." I said firmly. 

She looked surprised although did not say anything but nodded her head. 

" Yes head coven." She replied. 

I could not tell if the surprise was good or bad. I am not sure if she expected worse or less bad punishment but I think it was expecting worse. 

" You may leave unless there is anything else you would like to add or talk about." I said. 

she shook her head no before saying goodbye and heading out just as Rachel walked in.

We all started talking a bit about a lot of different things before all of a sudden we were talking about our powers and Sarah asked Rachel what her power is. The thing is I already knew what her power was but I never mentioned it because I know Rachel does not like telling many people. She only told me because I am now her head coven leader. 

Rachel looked at me as if to say should I tell her and I shrugged as if to say its up to you. Whatever she feels more comfortable with.

" My powers are honesty. I can tell if people are lying or telling the truth at all times." Rachel said clearing her throat making Sarahs eyes widen in surprise. 

" That is amazing and like so rare." Sarah squealed making me wince. 

Rachel laughed a little. 

" yeah I like it but sometimes It can put me in awkward situations which is why I do not tell most people I have that power." Rachel said sighing. 

Sarah nodded in understanding before saluting to her jokingly. 

" I will not tell anyone. Although I am allowed to tell Hunter right?" She questioned half joking half not making myself and Rachel laugh. 

" Yes you are allowed." Rachel said with a laugh. 

After a while we all decided to head "home" which me and Sarah headed to what was mine and my moms house before I headed to what was my room and Sarah headed to what was my our guest room. 

I spoke to Jayden via mind link for a while and he happily told me he has been given permission to come here anytime as long as it does not affect what he has to do in the pack which I am really happy about. He will be here around dinner time tomorrow so I can not wait to see him. I actually really miss him. Before I knew it my eyes slowly closed and darkness hit me as I fell into a deep sleep. I can not lie though I woke up a few times wanting to be around Jayden. 

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