Chapter 58- finding out information

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Jayden p.o.v.

We headed down to Sienna office, hand in hand. Last night really was amazing and I feel so complete right now. However I am really worried about what might happen because of this other coven. One thing I do know I will not let this other Coven take away my mate. She is mine to cherish and mine to love. No one else's.

As we walked in the office everyone was already here. I looked at Hunter who smirked at me making me narrow my eyes at him. 

" Do not make it obvious you know! She will get embarrassed that you know we have had sex." I said through mind link. 

He just chuckled and said. 

" You never told her? Do you not remember I made that mistake with not telling Sarah that we will know as werewolves can sense it." He said with a chuckle making me gulp. I growled through mind link before shutting it off. 

" If Hunter and Jayden are done maybe we can start." My mom said narrowing her eyes at me but I could see she was excited we took the next step. Clearly some one thinks babies will be coming soon. 

Shit babies. We have not even had that talk. Fuck we did no protection. Maybe that is something we should talk about later, not right now. 

" Babies?" I heard Sienna shriek in my head making me wince. Shit forgot she can hear my thoughts either if they are to strong or If I forget to close the link. Which I forgot to close it. 

" Sorry baby. we will talk about it later okay." I said not wanting her even more stressed. 

" But-" She started but I cut her off not really wanting to talk about it right now and not only that but everyone is waiting to start. 

" Not yet. Later." I said more sternly but still soft. 

I could feel she cut her emotions of so I could not feel them making me frown. 

" Sienna don't -" I started saying through mind link but she cut me off by speaking to everyone and shutting the mind link making me let out a frustrated growl. 

" Okay so has anyone found out anything?" Sienna asked ignoring my growl and me trying to tap into her head. I sighed but stopped trying because I know this is more important at the moment and I know she is not mad at me just overwhelmed with everything going on.

Everyone went silent at this. Clearly no one has found anything else out. 

" Okay so I guess I will tell you what myself and my Coven found out then." Sarah grandmother (aurora) said. 

" I have met Trisha once. She wanted to set war on another Coven and I refused because she was being greedy and wanted more land then what she already has. After that I never heard of her again. 

However my Coven managed to do some digging and found out some information which will come in useful. So as you guys have heard Benjamin is her son. His father is unknown but Trisha and Benjamin do not get along like at all. 

Benjamin has been known for being blunt to everyone about how he does not like her. I met Benjamin the time I met Trisha and he actually seems like a nice guy. Can not say the same for his mother however.  " Aurora started to say making me growl. He may be a nice guy but Sienna is my girl not his. 

" Jayden I understand you are not happy about this contract but you have to also remember that Benjamin might not be either. He never agrees with anything his mother says as far as we are aware. 

You also need to try your best to get this contract destroyed or you will both have no choice but to marry each other." Aurora said making me snarl loudly. 

" Like fuck! No way in fucking hell will she be marrying him." I roared and before I knew it I shifted there and then into my wolf making every witches eyes widen. My mom, dad, Hunter and part of Sarah expected it. 

I walked over to Sienna and snarled at anyone who was close to her or tried to get close. Sienna looked at me with wide eyes before she started to stroke my wolf. 

" You need to calm down my love." She said softly. 

I snarled at anyone looking our way and layed down in front of her making sure no one will get close to her in any way, shape or form. 

" Sienna maybe just stay close to him until he calms down enough." My mom said softly. 

Sienna nodded her head in agreement. 

" The fire you guys said about it is correct. She did set her house on fire on purpose. She did also do it for fraud. However  she also set the Contract that she was to keep hold of on fire. That was not on purpose though it was an accident. Kind off. 

Benjamin was the one that placed the contract in that building as he knew it was her plan to set the house on fire. That is how she managed to destroy the contract. She wanted to burn everything in the house and that is exactly what she did, including the contract as she at the time never realized it was there." Aurora spoke. 

" So Benjamin did it on purpose. That means he disagrees with marrying Sienna as well then." Sarah said. 

Aurora nodded her head. 

" How do you know this? I am not questioning what you know I am wanting to know how you know." My mom asked. 

Aurora nodded her head in understanding. 

" Benjamin told me him self." Aurora said with a shrug making Sienna look surprised as well as Sarah and everyone in the room. 

" What how?" Sarah asked surprised. 

" Someone in my Coven has a family member in his Coven. My coven family member is In love with Benjamin as is he. The one who Benjamin Is in love with only has the power to heal, Trisha feels this power is weak especially as this girl will not harm even a fly. She hates that and thinks Benjamin needs to find someone more powerful and a head Coven to make their Coven even more powerful. " Aurora said sadly. 

" I have so many questions. I am so confused. How long has he even known about the contract and how did he know?" Sienna started ranting making me growl and nudge her with my head making her sit down and me put my big wolf head on her lap. 

" You can ask those questions in like 10 minutes. He is nearly here." Aurora said making me snarl and stand up on guard. 

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