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we got home and got very lucky. as jeremiah was sober and driving it was fine and as me and connie was over 18 it was legal for us to drink so we got let off the hook.

i had so many questions, belly told me her and jer were doing so good and that she thought she was in love, so why the hell was she with another boy. she wasn't home yet tho and i'm starting to get worried i was questioning wether i should actually go out and break the boys legs. i started pacing up and down the kitchen waiting for belly to get home so i can yell at her.

10 minutes later
it's been 10 minutes and she's still not home and i can see the worry on jere's face. i grabbed my keys and was about to leave when she pulled up. i stormed out there with connie and jer following behind. we took steven upstairs ages ago as he was wasted. she gets out the car and i make my way to her.

"what the hell do you think your playing at" i look belly dead in the eye

"i'm sorry eve, i lost track of time" she looks down to the floor.

"you lost track of time, you've been gone 20 minutes when realistically you should've been home way before we got back, don't give me that crap. And you boy, your lucky your in that car otherwise your legs wouldn't be attached to your body" i give him a look with rage in my eyes

"evie stop your embarrassing me" she looks at me with her eyes

"i'm embarrassing you?. belly i'm responsible for you, your mum would kill me if she anything happened and you showing up not caring, not even a message letting me know where you are while i'm pacing around the house. i don't care if i'm embarrassing you, go get your ass i'm that house now" i say kind of yelling

"but-" she tried to say

"no buts, your drunk jeres gonna take you upstairs while i talk to this" i say pointing at cam cameron. she stays looking at the floor walking in the house with jer following her. connie on the other hand still watching looking shocked.

"i let her ride with you. and i told her to come home, not go out." i glare

" i-i know im sorry" he says looking scared

i get in his face

"if anything would've happened to her i swear you wouldn't be breathing tomorrow, you got lucky, now go" i say leaning my head away from the car window walking back inside. but i try walking through the door as a boy grabs my arm

"what was that about, that's not like you" connie says to me softly

"it's been 3 years, i've changed. i don't know if you noticed con but im not the same person i was 3 years ago" i yank my arm and walk inside

conrad's pov:
somethings not right with her. she's acting so different. from hearing how she was at collage getting kicked out, to how she just spoke to cam. something up with her but i don't know why she won't tell me. she always tells me.

i sigh and walk in the house

ev's pov:
i storm up the stairs still trying to be quite as i didn't want to wake laurel and my mom. and go into belly's room where i see her and jere all cuddled up.

"you" i say pointing at jer "give us a minute"
he nods, kissed belly on the head and leaves the room.

"you know how stupid you was bels, anything could've happened, i gave you the benefit of the doubt getting in the car with him and you show up nearly half hour late" i say looking at her with hurt.

" i'm sorry eve i really am, i never meant to disappoint you" she looks upset

"you don't disappoint me belly, i worry about you that's all" i say giving her a hug. i pull back

"you told me you and jer was so good and that you was in love, why the hell are you getting in a car with another boy?" i ask curiously

"no no, it's nothing like that at all, cameron is an old friend we was just catching up, i love jeremiah i do, i would never do that to him" she smiles.

i laugh at her
"have you told him that yet" i say

"told him what" she asks

"that you love him." i say laughing
hee cheeks flush all red and a smile appears

"no not yet" she couldn't contain her little smile

"you should, he really likes you bel i think he loves you even" i add

her head perks up and she squeals
"okay enough about me, what's going on between you and conrad?" she asks excitingly.

"pffttt me and conrad please" i say
but the feeling i got in the car told me differently but it wouldn't happen, i mean it's conrad, we've been best friends forever, he would never see me like that. either way i don't even like him

"oh please, did you see the way he protected you at the bonfire, he so likes you" she gives me a wink. i couldn't help but smile

"belly your overthinking things, it's conrad we're best friends i would never ruin that" i say but deep down my own words hurt but i don't know why.

"whatever you say eve, whatever you say" she says getting comfy

"oh shut up" i hit her with a pillow and laugh

Jeremiah's pov:
i walk down the stairs to see conrad on the sofa.
"hey con" i say

"how's belly?" he asked

"good eve went up there to speak to her, but there's no yelling so i think that's a good sign" i laugh

"yeah" he lets out a small chuckle

this may be too invading but i had to ask him

"what was all that back at the bonfire, you got so defensive over eve" i ass with a curious tone

"nothing a guy tried touching her, she didn't like it, but he carried on so i got invloved" he got up and started poring a drink

"you sure it's just that?" i look at him

"y-yeah what else would it be" con says unsure

"i don't know the fact you've been like drooling over her since she got here this morning" i laugh

"shut up jer" he said quite seriously.
it went a bit quite after that but i heard the girls laughing so that's good

"jeremiah" the older boy asked

"yeah bro" i replied

"don't you think ev's acting differently" he asks quite worried. but now that i think about it, she seems way more protective and more carless with her life. but it has been 3 years god knows what's happened in that time

"now that you say it, i mean yeah she's acting different but it's been 3 years, maybe your overthinking it" i add

"maybe." he says unsure..

the last summer | conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now