truth is out.

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'belly' i said not knowing what else to say

"what-what since when, why didn't you tell me" she says shedding a tear

"he died 7 months ago bells, 8 months tomorrow actually" i say looking down feeling conrad's stare.

"why didn't you tell me evie" she says shedding another tear

"because i didn't want anyone to stress about it or me, look belly everyone's been under so much stress recently no one needed this added to it." i say looking up with tears in my eyes

"evie jacobs, we would've been here for you no matter what and that's a big thing to keep to yourself. we all knew him we would've got through it with you." she says hugging me

"i didn't want it to be real" i say in a shaky tone
"i mean i still hope he will walk through the door and it's all a bad dream but that won't happen" i say crying into her shoulder

"oh eve, your going to be okay. yes it will hurt for a while and probably will forever but it will get easier, i promise" she says in a light tone

"but it's not getting better, nothing is getting better" i say crying more

belly takes my hands and looks me in the eyes

"your a star evie. probably the brightest one to ever exist. i don't think i could name a time you've never got through something and it will be hard i know, but you've got us to come too. you don't have to go through this alone"

"i'm just tired belly, so fucking tired" i say looking at her

"with what eve" she says tilting her head

"life" i say looking down

"oh evie... look you've always looked out for all of us regardless. you've always been there if we needed a shoulder to cry on and you've never let us be alone so now it's out turn to look out for you. we're here. and your not going anywhere do you understand" she says shedding a tear

"yeah.." i say still looking at the floor

"okay how about. tomorrow to remember jack we'll spend the day at the beach doing everything he loved, how does that sound" she says smiling

"yeah. yeah ide love that" i say smiling back at her

"good. remember come to me if you need anything. and i mean anything" she hugs me

"thank you bells" i say whispering to her

"your welcome eve" she says whispering back

i pull away and wipe my eyes laughing

"now go with jere. i know you had a little date planned" i laugh

"are you sure" she says laughing back

"i'm positive, i've got connie" i say looking at him

"yeah i'll be here with her the entire time" the brunette said looking at me smiling

"okay okay. i'll be back later, i love you eve" she says walking away

"i love you too belly" i say

i turn to look at conrad who's already looking at me

"what you wanna do now" he says looking at me

"hmm well i've got to go to some family dinner later so films?" i ask smiling

"anything for you my love" he says picking me up

"connie put me down" i say laughing

"nope" he says continuing to walk to the sofa

the last summer | conrad fisherWhere stories live. Discover now